Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He had sent her , with Ned and the barmaids and Heaven knew how many others watching , to wait for him in his bed .
2 While this internal argument reached its height , his superiors argued about him without his knowledge .
3 The chief allotted Sycorax and Ariel three women to attend them , and then turned to face Kit , and traced between them with his staff three circles in the dust .
4 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
5 Before kiln operator Steve Kelly died at 55 , he asked for help to be given to the team of Macmillan nurses who cared for him in his last months .
6 And Roger laid about him with his whip , and left the print of it on two of the rogues before they downed him and used the thong to bind him .
7 Now he laid about him in his denunciations of England 's political leaders and institutions .
8 Without another word he turned and strode towards the escalator , leaving Matchsticks to struggle after him with his heavy case .
9 He was a bachelor , and this was certainly expected of him by his colleagues .
10 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
11 He learned English in order to deliver the lectures expected of him in his new post .
12 With heartfelt thanks he ran to the stable and , before his parents had gone more than a few yards , he had galloped past them towards his home .
13 He stands above me on his knuckles like a gorilla , and peers at me curiously .
14 His great-nephew described how when at home on Sundays the Bishop would have twelve poor men and women to dine with him in his hall , ‘ always endeavouring while he fed their bodies to comfort their spirits by some cheerful discourse , generally mixt with some useful instruction .
15 When Duval was arrested in London , high society queued to commiserate with him in his cell .
16 She saw more of England driving with him in his car , or walking through cities while he attended to business , then she ever had before .
17 She even hinted that he had been bullied into it by his wife .
18 I mean I know through the summer holidays that I 've really got to get to work with him on his maths , likewise I know I 've got a lot of work to do myself for
19 He had then suggested she come with him to his house to help unload .
20 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
21 Third , the motorist did NOT ( contrry to The Scotsman 's report ) spend any time looking for a parking space or walking from it to his destination .
22 ‘ The great landowner seems to reign there like the lion in his forest , driving from him by his roars all who seek to approach his presence . ’
23 For a moment — then the skylight in the beamed roof was flung up , and Frankenstein 's Adam came leaping down to stand before me in his wrath !
24 It must be remembered that , nine times out of ten , the third party solicitor will be relying on descriptions of locus , machinery , etc. provided to him by his client — and will not have had the opportunity of visiting the LOCUS himself .
25 However , as the pope himself had been so committed to it before his election , such an outcome was unthinkable .
26 In a way she was happy that Harry had chosen to come to her in his distress , yet it highlighted his attitude towards her .
27 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
28 So he had answered his own son , that time when Yuan had come to him with his dream — that awful nightmare he had had of the great mountain of bones filling the plain where the City had been .
29 Land he gave to St Augustine 's , Canterbury , in 689 , which had come to him from his parents , had been confirmed in his possession by King Athelred ( CS 73 : S 12 ) .
30 Having been a hostage among the Huns himself , he had called in Hunnic troops to support the usurper Joannes in 425 ; he fled to them after his defeat at the hands of Boniface in 432 ; and he was probably behind their destruction of the Burgundian kingdom in the mid-430s .
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