Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even the good ones might remain for only a matter of months .
2 Well let's think for just a moment , you know , we 've been talking over these last three or four weeks about faith and that , erm , let's just think , perhaps and we should have done this sooner , but I du n no , it it fits in th this morning , er perhaps just what , what faith is .
3 He would stay for just an hour or so and then gather up the equipment and disappear .
4 Thus , the first ischaemic episode primarily translocates PKC into the membranes , where it will stay for about an hour .
5 Hours of wrangling over the protocol of such matters was squandered during both the preparation and the course of the pair 's ceaseless round of state visits to ever more obscure countries .
6 It is only with such a system that uneconomic jobs or work types can be identified and stopped for either the fee basis to be renegotiated or the amount of work done reassessed .
7 Still searching for perfection , she has no plans to retire for quite a while yet , when will she quit ?
8 The band plays for quite a bit .
9 The little room at the end of the paddock , where scores are received , became for once the centre of attraction . ’
10 This greed for status reinforces the wife 's role as child-bearing domestic slave or chattel , and spoils for ever the chance of a real relationship .
11 Since the advent of phylloxera , when it became necessary to graft all European vines on to American rootstock , literally hundreds of rootstock varieties have been developed for virtually every permutation of vinestock and growing conditions .
12 The baby sleeps for about an hour from 11 till 12 — I 'm afraid I read a book then — I do n't do very much housework !
13 They sold for twice the price of a ‘ black label ’ record .
14 PC superstores account for nearly a quarter of the total market in the US , and they 're beginning to make inroads into the UK market as well with the likes of PC World and the Business Superstore .
15 Japanese companies already account for nearly a quarter of the 5,000 foreign-based companies operating in New York .
16 New York , New York : Japanese companies already account for nearly a quarter of the 5,000 foreign-based companies operating in the city
17 Specific grants have increased in importance since 1974 and now account for approximately a quarter of current grants ( excluding the housing benefit scheme ) from central government to local authorities .
18 Altogether , these groups account for about a quarter of all sales by Japanese firms .
19 American and European paintings , prints and sculptures , account for only a fraction of the museum 's 100,000 objects which range from American Indian material , African art , and musical instruments , to Nabataen sculpture from Jordan , Egyptian and classical antiquities , Asian art , costumes , and 300 American , English and Continental portrait miniatures .
20 Again , there was a slight hiccup when the entire Leyland Class 155 fleet were withdrawn for almost a year with door troubles ; they opened while the train was running .
21 The funding for the survey 's marine programme was slashed from $24 million to $13 million a year — money intended for both the Atlantic and the Pacific sections .
22 And I read for about an hour .
23 Cheshire is actually sold when it is one to two months old , but it can be matured for over a year .
24 She heard the question and did n't answer for quite a while , just looked at me .
25 I think I think it is a good idea though to erm oh right er to y'know kind of break it up a bit er particularly if at an early stage you 're intending to y'know kind of go through erm and get people to go through quite a lot of questions erm as a by way of er y'know kind of the first stages in in er developing this thing .
26 The sensitivity , specificity , and efficiency of the sweat spot test were calculated for both the sweat spot test score and the percentage number of abnormal subareas , and receiver operating characteristic curves were drawn for both parameters .
27 As Ascension Day is always on a weekday , the passers-by on their way to work are able to enjoy the singing which , as the church itself is on very high ground , can be heard for quite a distance .
28 The effect that evening was that it hurt , especially as my supper was delayed for over an hour by blocked jets .
29 Enjoying a fantastic location in Kos town , you 'll find the Hotel Catherine set just back from the lively , bustling harbour , right in the centre of town and ideally placed for both the beach and nightlife .
30 I must have been walking for nearly an hour , he thought .
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