Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Although on-trial Norwegian striker Tore Andre Dahlum plays for the reserves on Wednesday , Ferguson admits he is for the future , and he must plunge now .
2 The remainder of Tramway No. 11 was inspected on 7 July and the Colonel asked about the gradients on the approaches to Pitlake Bridge .
3 The German asked about the atrocities on invasion day — these were known abroad .
4 In the centre loomed a squat Tower of brown stone up which the shade steadily crept as the shadows on the ground reached out into nothing and were lost .
5 But for that mole in the Securitate they would have been dawdling through the hills on their own .
6 What do the police think about the killings on the Mudchute ?
7 Boy as I said lived during the days on sugar , yoghurts , instant coffee and toast ; then every evening the man would cook up a big casserole , one big casserole filled with fish and lots of potatoes , tinned sweetcorn , something like that , and they would eat that together in the kitchen every night at seven o'clock , before the man went off to work — he worked nights you see .
8 During the great party rallies at Nuremberg Himmler and the SS hierarchy rode through the streets on horseback , dressed in the full regalia of Teutonic knights .
9 When I worked as a primary school teacher I sometimes retrieved that feeling with a particular clarity , walking between the tables on the hard floor , all the little looms working but needing my constant adjustment .
10 From every direction microphones , lenses and T.V. cameras followed the entourage as they moved between the looms on a tour of the factory .
11 With the help of a detective constable , she had to sift through the papers on every desk top and the rubbish in every drawer .
12 Greeted by Dolores with a tray of champagne , Stephanie Marsa was weaving through the crowds on slender black high heels , and brushed close by where Caroline stood , so close that she left a waft of heady , exotic perfume in the air , making a single-minded bee-line for Roman .
13 Masklin waded through the puddles on the concrete so that he could see down the far side of the aircraft .
14 They shift through the songs on their excellent ‘ Born in Blood ’ with joy , pride and professionalism , enhancing the material rather than simply grinding it out on stage .
15 Wrecked cars were outside West Mercia Police headquarters today as a stark reminded of the dangers on the roads .
16 He wandered towards the windows on light feet , a panther 's tread .
17 The rocket fizzled , and shot through him , exploding against the gallows on the other side of the square .
18 And the seal waved a flipper as the lights rose like the curtains on an opera and said : ‘ See how Aurora casts her dice and rolls us red ?
19 Johnny was by now fully occupied with the fastenings on the controversial halter-necked garment .
20 It crashed into the flowerpots on the whitewashed ledge under the window , raining pottery , bits of geranium and John Innes Number 3 Compost all over the congregation .
21 They have to work with the materials on hand , but by manipulating the design of the system they can build variations into it .
22 Some of her own childhood seemed trapped in the pages on which she had dribbled chocolate and , years ago , marked specially loved pages with sweetpapers and scraps of hair-ribbon .
23 ‘ There is a lot of blood coursing in the veins on all this , ’ a top Whitehall man says .
24 As reported in The Times on 4 April , Bush called for forces within Iraq to unseat Saddam , anticipating a military coup mounted by disaffected generals .
25 But , as they say in the ads on the telly , I knew a man who did .
26 This first coat should dry before the shadows on the side of the stile and signpost are applied .
27 Following the placing of 7.4m shares , 5.5m of them new , in Tadpole Technology Plc by Henry Cooke Corporate Finance Ltd , trading in the shares on the London International Stock Exchange is scheduled to start on Monday .
28 Then , as Michael McCarthy reported in The Times on 9 September 1989 , ‘ Europe 's biggest reservoir was closed to people and animals after the discovery of a possibly poisonous bloom of algae in the water . ’
29 A couple of examples of this are included in the sections on serial and indexed files .
30 All young hypertensives , currently treated or untreated with antihypertensive drugs , were included in the analysis and are included in the results on an intention to treat basis .
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