Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 To get anywhere near an understanding of News Corporation 's accounts , you usually have to wait for the figures it is obliged to file with America 's Securities and Exchange Commission .
2 How Bunce Court got through the war it is hard to imagine , but get through it did and with flying colours , if the testimony of former pupils is anything to go by .
3 As it tumbled through the air it stretched out its arms .
4 As Morton produced the manila folder from his pocket , Sir Rufus seized it and began leafing through the papers it contained .
5 I 'm not suggesting for a moment it does n't cross my mind nor has Mr suggested that there has been any er deliberate failures to disclose something which was thought was , which you 've got and was thought relevant , but it , things do turn out to be potentially relevant in the course of the court appearance
6 However , as I am conscious of the strong feeling that the hon. Lady has registered on behalf of her constituents , I assure her that before a plant can be registered for an incinerator it must comply with the emissions standards enforced by Her Majesty 's industrial pollution inspectorate .
7 A tea bush requires constant attention : if not plucked for a year it can take two years to return to normal ; if bushes have to be uprooted , new ones take seven years to come into production .
8 Well , you could do , if , particularly if you had one of our meters , but what , what happens , as sound goes through the air it causes small pressure fluctuations , and our meter measures the size of these , and it gives a reading on a scale in units which we call decibels .
9 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
10 In the extensive research undertaken for the book it became clear that a number of particular issues posed the greatest challenges to potential returners and to prospective employers .
11 When she checked through the spyhole it was standing in exactly the same spot , unmoving , like a lizard .
12 But the argument should be recognized for the fiction it is .
13 For an elliptical crack Inglis 's stress concentration factor is : Though this was calculated for an ellipse it turns out that it is very nearly accurate for any sharp re-entrant or notch .
14 If goodwill is treated as an asset it should be amortised systematically over the period of its useful economic life .
15 When it met after the Conference it set up a subcommittee to draft acceptable Standing Orders with which it could approach the Labour Party National Executive .
16 He 'd forgotten about the way it flickered before it came on properly and made a noise .
17 And differentiated it and it gave me K T well forget about the K it 's only a number it 's only
18 If the hummingbird comes back too soon , there will not be enough food to compensate for the energy it had to expend in getting there .
19 She just wanted to go home and had started to worry about the hour it would take her to get there , the sorry state of her boots , the snow coming on .
20 I used to worry about the racket it makes at traffic lights when other drivers looked with scorn .
21 I like him with lipstick on , it looks like a lady it does , does n't it ?
22 Although Figure 4 looks like a sociogram it should not be treated as such .
23 It 's not what they say , it 's what lies underneath the words it 's interesting .
24 Revolution is not made by proclamations , strikes can not be declared every twenty-four hours , and in order to struggle against the bourgeoisie it is not enough to have a weekly publication or a hundred militants .
25 As it moved beneath the hole it stopped .
26 If an organisation like a local authority does not have clear and effective channels of internal communication , then how will it manage to communicate with the communities it serves when , through the white-collar CCT process , it speaks with many more voices than at present ?
27 The programme highlighted the importance of providing an effective ‘ vapour barrier ’ ( usually a skin of plastic sheeting ) behind the internal plasterboard surface — if moisture from inside the home seeped into the cavity it could rot the timber frame .
28 The lacinia is commonly spined or toothed on its inner border and when fused with the subgalea it has the appearance of carrying the galea .
29 By the time the plane rose into the air it was dark .
30 With her fingers busy and her mind occupied with the story it was late afternoon before the end of a tape brought Leonora back to earth with a start .
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