Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun] we " in BNC.

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1 When my mother got off the train we walked across the road to the bus stop , only to find the same man jumping on the Kirkby bus .
2 I do n't think for a minute we 'll have to . ’
3 We are looking forward to a visit from prominent physiotherapist Vivian Grisogono , who , with her vast and expert knowledge of treating sports injuries , has much to impart about the way we enthusiastically drive our bodies on to perform at a pace that often proves harmful .
4 Not only had we increased our self-awareness , but we felt content , happy with ourselves and we 'd also received the encouragement to go for the things we want — to seize the day .
5 Er , hello there , my name 's Mike , well let's go over to the weather with Winsy , no Winsy , oh Rita 's dropped dead , she 's jumped off a cliff we think , we think
6 Each one constitutes a separate ethnic unit , has a self-sufficient economy , a flag , a Supreme Soviet , a council of ministers and , most important , is placed between the area we call Russia and the world outside .
7 Anne Lennox and Liz Weeks told how the new crisis has ‘ opened old wounds ’ and said : ‘ We would n't want families of British servicemen to go through the pain we had to endure . ’
8 ‘ I would plead with them to speak to the police as a matter of urgency because I would not like this to happen to anyone else or for any other family to go through the distress we are experiencing .
9 The same goes for the coach we see .
10 ‘ Guides should be setting the example and I think we should think about the way we put adventure first . ’
11 Stepping through the door we entered into a musty Mary Celeste type atmosphere .
12 We 're silently praying for the moment we can plead sunburn and hide all out mottled bits under the outsize bullfight T-shirt .
13 To show how safe services are in the hands of this government , you only have to study John Major 's speech to the Society of County Treasurers at his Annual Dinner in London last December and I quote , together we have achieved much over the last decade to improve the services we provide for the people we serve and the environment in which they live , unquote .
14 I want to let you know about a study we have initiated on the usual basis of ( almost ) nil funds — hence we ca n't offer you a lucrative contract !
15 Do you know , on the first night , Malcolm Harris did n't know about the cuts we 'd had to make for time .
16 Toni Halliday said she 's learned a great deal about women from men , ‘ and some men are able to write about the women we dream of being . ’
17 certain of the elements combine so naturally and with so powerful an effect that we pursue that path of combination as a path in its own right and forget about the problem we are trying to solve .
18 The next day we returned to the Rovacchia with more food for the boys , but as we started walking towards the embankment we heard a woman shouting at us : ‘ Where is Anna ?
19 Fly.now , Creggan , and fly like the eagle we all might be .
20 If you go interfering with the boys we 're out on our backsides . ’
21 If we see her walking up the road we can tell her , and if we do n't , we 'll give them a ring later on .
22 We have to work with the garrimperos we have to try and convince 'em .
23 Needs have to be met to enable active citizenship as without education , welfare , health care , self-respect , and law we can not act in a way we would like to .
24 The interest in these past events at the time of writing ( 1985 ) lies in the problems we addressed that are still unresolved .
25 Naive users sometimes assume that the computer can tell them anything that is worth knowing ; to quote from Erickson and Nosanchuk , ‘ when we plug in the computer we often ‘ unplug ’ our brains ' ( 1977 : 28 ) .
26 By continuing to ask ‘ is it true ? ’ instead of analysing ‘ which truth ? ’ and ‘ whose truth ? ’ , antiracists often remain trapped within the paradox we identified at the beginning of this Introduction .
27 When we are hurt by someone 's behaviour , all that is happening is that we are disappointed because they do not behave in the way we expect and the reality conflicts with our ideals .
28 After a few days climbing in the area we realised this might mean new or close together , but rarely both .
29 David Hume went further , transferring causal power from the world of objects to the mind , making of it a tendency of the mind to pass from the thing we call ‘ the cause ’ to the one we call ‘ the effect ’ .
30 but I mean that probably would n't appeal to the people we have presently seeking maternity leave .
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