Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [prep] [art] second " in BNC.

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1 The poor little rich boy was looked after by a second mother in the person of strict Ilse , from Germany : this did a great deal , but not enough , to relieve the isolation he felt — which , as his researches disclosed , was to be a factor in the isolation and rejection suffered in turn by his younger brother , who also left for the Mediterranean .
2 As the baby grows up , 24-hour rhythms begin to appear from about the second month of life onwards .
3 Although amendments to the published general SVQ specifications will not be possible during the first year , we will be consulting on whether the specifications should be added to for the second year .
4 The notion of power referred to here is that which Lukes referred to as the second dimension of power ( see Ch. 2 ) .
5 An abacus uses human gall-stones on taut human sinew , the rocking horse has a semi-skeletal head , a set of wooden toy soldiers all have subtle mutations when looked at for a second time , and so on .
6 Er says in in the second sentence of the paragraph that locations most readily accessibly to West Yorkshire conurbation are likely to stimulate competition within the housing market to the potential detriment of local residents and lead to pressure for addis additional land releases .
7 The find comprises five busts of various Roman divinities , two handles in the shape of lionheads and three winged brass sea-leopards dating from around the second to the third century AD .
8 What 's more , they 're probably incompatible with one another , so connecting them in series ( one after the other ) is going to allow the noise from the first to be amplified and added to by the second .
9 New plans to cut central — and republican — government spending are to be agreed upon for the second half of the year .
10 That principle must also be applied here , since to require a company incorporated under the law of one member state , which has its registered office , central administration or principal place of business in that member state ( within the meaning of article 58 ) , or even in another member state , to transfer its principal place of business to the member state where a certain activity , such as fishing , is to be carried on , deprives that company of the possibility of exercising its right of establishment through the setting up of agencies , branches or subsidiaries , as is expressly provided for in the second sentence of the first paragraph of article 52 .
11 Its name is derived from a remarkable Chase , the memory of which is preserved by the monuments spoken of in the second Part of the following Poem , which monuments do now exist as I have there described them .
12 Any calls for help in the estuary will have to be dealt with by a second boat from Chepstow , until repairs to the Sharpness boat are complete .
13 By a consent order dated 1 July 1988 the proceedings against the second defendant were stayed , pursuant to an agreement between the plaintiff and the second defendant , entered into by the second defendant in ignorance of the plaintiff 's agreement with the first defendant , under which the second defendant paid the plaintiff £18,000 and costs .
14 The resulting copy , being at one remove from the original , is referred to as a second generation tape , and it will be slightly lower in quality than the original .
15 Its truth-value does not depend on whether there actually occurred the happy event referred to by the second referring expression .
16 The difficulty here lies in what " this " refers to in the second sentence .
17 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to the unloaded network , the phasor node-pair potentials , and are found to be related by Substituting for in the second equation in terms of and from the first yields from which the transfer function is Consequently the ratio of potential-difference amplitude between output and input is When k = 1 this is the same transmission as provided by the Wien network of figure 8.8(a) .
18 N no , we went into about the second or third I think , is there one up there one up there
19 Significant population differences were tested for in the second part to establish the probability of variations being due to systematic effects or to chance .
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