Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] at a " in BNC.

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1 And then , walking behind her at a rather greater distance than might have been thought usual , came Linnet Gage in a dress that fell from her tiny waist as gracefully and naturally as a waterfall , each diaphanous tulle frill overlapping the other with perfect simplicity , her face as delicate and beautiful as rare porcelain , her blue eyes clouded by a dream of remote but tantalizing sweetness , which also touched the corners of her lips , raising them very slightly in a smile of which every man present must have wished to know the secret .
2 When , after a hazardous journey through thickening fog , using only the statutory semi-blacked-out lights , he asked her if she would care to dine with him at a roadhouse not far from their destination , she accepted with alacrity .
3 The case took 8 × 80 oz bottles to treat and the last three bottles had dye added to them at a rate of .5 oz per 80 oz .
4 It is a method of RE which focuses on pupils ' own capacity to relate to themselves at a deeper level — to their own authentic feelings and insights .
5 With his shorts flapping around his knees and his wispy , thinning hair he was almost a caricature of a footballer , but Wally could mesmerise his opposing full-back or swerve past him at a deceptive pace , before putting across an accurate , teasing centre .
6 Ankhu and Nebamun would have it easier , but for the majority of privileged men work was a nominal activity as they laboured more or less intelligently in the upper ranks of the army , the civil service and the priesthood ; most of the graft was done for them at a humbler level .
7 Negative programming can be general or specific and , unless something is done about it at a later date , its effects can last a lifetime .
8 With a hiss , the double-sided door began to close , just as the figure of Mahon turned the corner and came after them at a terrifying speed .
9 They called to him twice before he heard , and then he started and came after them at a rapid walk , like a man driven by some urgent pain he could not slough off .
10 They came past him at a run , three of them , two heading straight for the room that Pope had indicated on the floor plan .
11 I first came under him at a period in his life when he was abandoning the piano .
12 She also came to talk to us at a recent training day about what the very elderly can and can not do .
13 We were looking across it at a slice-shaped building , calcined with pollution .
14 She had her back to the entrance of the garden and was looking across it at a small orchard whose fruit never found its way to the rector 's table , always being pilfered by the small street arabs of the district .
15 In the morning he had woken with energy racing through him at a pace too uneven to harness .
16 Coupled with desperately needed new construction , such as the cross-rail proposals , these existing routes could be made to really work for us at a fraction of the cost of new road-building , and with minimal land encroachment , pollution or disturbance to the environment .
17 If your grandmother 's not waiting for us at a hotel , then where — ? ’
18 The major bus undertakings and the UndergrounD railways ( including the Metropolitan ) were also taken over on that day , and the minor bus operators were drawn in one at a time later , but the main line railway companies ( including their suburban services ) were excluded .
19 See , see , I mean if you take a , if you take a , look at it at a point of view of
20 He told me he used to catch the train from Penn Station , New York , get off it at a station called Back Bay where a car would be waiting for him .
21 ‘ Those altar candles we pay so much for , we seem to be getting through them at a fair old rate .
22 Figure 24.4 gives an example ( drawn from trajectories on the screen of a videotape of the motion ) of how one might see the bob moving if one glanced at it at a succession of equally spaced times — although one would not expect to see just this sequence ever again .
23 We are continuing to invest in it at a rate of over £1 million for every working day .
24 The take or place booking means that the client will be offered a room if there has been a ‘ no show ’ or cancellation , and failing that accommodation will be found for them at a comparable hotel , usually within the same chain of hotels .
25 Oh , sure , about as safe as a shield of plastic wrap would make her feel if a bear were charging towards her at a full gallop .
26 Beds must be made , equipment sorted and ordered , and patients dealt with one at a time .
27 They should be dealt with one at a time using the subsequent text pages .
28 Laura shared rooms in the small terraced house with Alice Cox , a young lady who worked with her at a local Post Office .
29 A man died when a wall collapsed on him at a farm in Gloucestershire .
30 In fact it was a rather odd coincidence , ’ she said , warming to her theme , ‘ I was introduced to her at a party , and we got on quite well .
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