Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He had sent her , with Ned and the barmaids and Heaven knew how many others watching , to wait for him in his bed .
2 While this internal argument reached its height , his superiors argued about him without his knowledge .
3 At the same time as the Nun 's Priest is made to try to claim for himself in his tale the equivalent of : he , or Chaucer , reassures those who are able to share in the joke that the opposite is the case .
4 The chief allotted Sycorax and Ariel three women to attend them , and then turned to face Kit , and traced between them with his staff three circles in the dust .
5 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
6 Before kiln operator Steve Kelly died at 55 , he asked for help to be given to the team of Macmillan nurses who cared for him in his last months .
7 But the moment the military dictatorship resorted to armed aggression against British subjects the radical student protester , who cared for nothing but his ideals and for justice , freedom and equality , unhesitatingly sided with the invaders and began to protest , not against them , but against his own government 's attempts to restore the freedom , democratic rights and civil liberty of those who had lost them !
8 And look at her … turning soft with admiration for a man who cared for nothing but his ambition .
9 And Roger laid about him with his whip , and left the print of it on two of the rogues before they downed him and used the thong to bind him .
10 Now he laid about him in his denunciations of England 's political leaders and institutions .
11 One evening he asked for one with his coffee , which I gave him .
12 But at the age of forty he was at last beginning to wonder whether the image he created for himself in his twenties could stay with him for ever .
13 Abberley looks for something by his bed . )
14 He cares for nothing except his own self-gratification .
15 Without another word he turned and strode towards the escalator , leaving Matchsticks to struggle after him with his heavy case .
16 He was a bachelor , and this was certainly expected of him by his colleagues .
17 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
18 He learned English in order to deliver the lectures expected of him in his new post .
19 With heartfelt thanks he ran to the stable and , before his parents had gone more than a few yards , he had galloped past them towards his home .
20 He stands above me on his knuckles like a gorilla , and peers at me curiously .
21 His great-nephew described how when at home on Sundays the Bishop would have twelve poor men and women to dine with him in his hall , ‘ always endeavouring while he fed their bodies to comfort their spirits by some cheerful discourse , generally mixt with some useful instruction .
22 Ted puffed energetically at his , uncertain yet whether to congratulate himself on being parked up here with this very attractive young girl , or to commiserate with himself for his failure to make more than token progress .
23 When Duval was arrested in London , high society queued to commiserate with him in his cell .
24 She saw more of England driving with him in his car , or walking through cities while he attended to business , then she ever had before .
25 She even hinted that he had been bullied into it by his wife .
26 I mean I know through the summer holidays that I 've really got to get to work with him on his maths , likewise I know I 've got a lot of work to do myself for
27 He had then suggested she come with him to his house to help unload .
28 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
29 Third , the motorist did NOT ( contrry to The Scotsman 's report ) spend any time looking for a parking space or walking from it to his destination .
30 ‘ The great landowner seems to reign there like the lion in his forest , driving from him by his roars all who seek to approach his presence . ’
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