Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ’ Even if a car is n't in stock and we have to wait for it to be built , we can generally hold the agreed price . ’
2 But rather than saying , ‘ Sorry mate , you 'll have to wait for it to be repaired , ’ Doug said , ‘ Take that one over there ! ’ pointing to an equivalent amp .
3 Did you have to wait for it to be done ?
4 Residents near the Tynemouth Metro station venue had originally lobbied for it to be cancelled .
5 Marjorie left Lizzie 's body at the vet 's and arranged for her to be cremated .
6 She could n't guess why Sandra Kettering in her detailed instructions had arranged for her to be there and for that mistake to be made .
7 He 'd known perfectly well how she 'd react when he 'd arranged for her to be taken on for this play .
8 ‘ That was why , when she showed promise as an artist , my mother-in-law arranged for her to be trained in Paris — and even provided money for the purpose . ’
9 I 've phoned the doctor , and he 's arranged for her to be admitted to hospital for observation , or whatever they do .
10 Mrs Singh had been visited at home and the head had arranged for me to be present so that I could explain and reinforce any suggestions .
11 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
12 To offset the charge of inexperience , Reagan 's sponsors arranged for him to be briefed on state issues by specialist advisers .
13 Halfway down the Haymarket , now quite a distance from Piccadilly Circus , Neil paused , breathless , and afterwards wondered what kind god had arranged for him to be where he was .
14 David attempted to reassure him , and after he 'd arranged for him to be seen in the casualty department of the local eye unit he asked the factory welfare officer , Louise Raymond , to take him over .
15 According to legend , Dame Janet decided that these ducks would be much happier in St James 's Park and arranged for them to be escorted thence .
16 After the ceremony , she and Ludovico went to Chiesa Santo Spirito , at the end of their road , where Ludovico had arranged for them to be blessed , explaining to her that it had no religious significance and did not endanger her non-Catholic soul .
17 That authority arranged for them to be temporarily fostered by a local doctor and three months later , in December 1984 , they were moved to the home of their first permanent foster parents .
18 The documents are technical , and I have arranged for them to be placed in all public libraries in Cardiff , and notices to that effect have been placed in local newspapers .
19 Would it be in order if such marriages are arranged for them to be co-joined er downstairs in St. Stephens crypt ?
20 Nancy has not arranged for us to be brought a drink .
21 There was the suspicion , too , that it was he who had arranged for us to be followed on our arrival in Lima , may even have planned our death by that gully on the old road up to the pass .
22 Sir Geoffrey has arranged for us to be provided with two rooms in the Ingard offices — and I suggest that I and my clerks occupy one room , and you the other .
23 Having arranged for you to be standing by when he surfaces today , you take him shopping .
24 We have arranged for you to be there on the Feast of St Cecilia , the twenty-second of November .
25 Having arranged for it to be put on the grave that afternoon , he returned to Weatherbury in the evening , with a basket of flowering plants .
26 So Jimmy Saville , with the help of his team on the programme , arranged for it to be developed by experts .
27 After M'sieur Fabien died , my aunt arranged for it to be stored , because a house that is left empty can sometimes attract thieves , you understand .
28 Fearing that the seat might be stolen the councillors arranged for it to be taken away for safe-keeping .
29 Fearing that the seat might be stolen the councillors arranged for it to be taken away for safe-keeping .
30 He telephoned the Forensic Science Laboratory and arranged for someone to be sent down .
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