Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't heard about it for years .
2 The concept which has proved most fruitful in considering the nature and origins of contemporary capitalism in relation to the two Tyneside locales , is that provided by the contrast between organized and disorganized capitalism as discussed by Lash and Urry ( 1987 ) , who distinguish between them in terms of a 14-point schemata .
3 The two countries would be fighting each other , on and off , for 22 years ; and there were those , like Benjamin Titford , born in 1786 , who lived through nothing but wars and rumours of wars from the day they were born to the day they died .
4 Born in Plymouth , Devon , to a poor stonemason , also called John and his wife Elizabeth , John Kitto was a sickly lad who cared for nothing but books .
5 Two thousand five hundred volunteers advanced on the salt depot in successive waves of twenty-five , defying orders to retreat and offering no resistance when the police laid about them with clubs , kicking and beating those who fell .
6 Indeed the Us/Them opposition itself , which Fipa perceive as one between Settlers and Strangers , is culturally ‘ played down ’ in favour of the continuing process , by which as a deliberate matter of social and State policy , outsiders are incorporated into the society .
7 I got asked about it for months .
8 And she would stay off it for days on end .
9 If you are a supplier of goods or services where turnover exceeds the current registration threshold you have to charge VAT and account for it to Customs and Excise .
10 Rourke 's blue eyes lanced through her like spears of ice .
11 You 're going very slowly , I 'll these batteries there 's the problem , there 's little diagram to sort of think about it in terms of water .
12 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
13 The landowner 's agent may also act for him in negotiations with conservationists and engineers to secure the parcels of riverside land required for habitat protection and enhancement .
14 You 're not above mentioning your height , even bragging about it at times , saying you 're as good as any two men twice your size .
15 God had to do something on the cross , in Christ , in order that his love which he has for us as sinners might become forgiveness for us in reality .
16 I 've been trying to write about him for weeks . ’
17 She ca n't wait for me for years and years .
18 ‘ But after rowing about it for ages , I came home from work the other day and it was n't on .
19 I have often looked for it with binoculars , but I have never been able to glimpse it even with × 20 , though my 76-mm refractor brings it out unmistakably , and with my 39-cm reflector I have no trouble in seeing the central star .
20 ‘ We 've looked for you for hours , ’ he said , anxious , I thought , to prove I had n't been forgotten .
21 Persuaded her to work for him with promises he had no intention of fulfilling ?
22 Can staff arrange for others to work for them at times of crisis ?
23 Nobody had looked after her for years , he had been quite right about that .
24 ‘ Let's hope so , ’ she said , and told them that her parents were furious because Josh , her grandmother 's lodger , had left all his money and possessions to Kate and not even mentioned her grandmother who had looked after him for years .
25 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
26 The rushes on the floor were none too clean : hungry wolf-hounds foraged amongst them for bits of food and Corbett heard the squeak and scamper of rats .
27 ‘ Hurry , ’ he urged , checking behind him for witnesses , but she had one more question .
28 The press reported that Sununu blamed his recent difficulties on a vendetta being pursued against him by enemies within the White House , elements of the liberal press and Jewish groups opposed to his Lebanese ancestry and his calls for even-handedness in US policy towards the Middle East .
29 Exactly the same thing 's happening with them in terms of privatization , market testing .
30 Erm you know the difficult thing for me is when I 'm working with people who 've actually been given no notice at all , and that 's happening with lots of organizations where on Friday you 're suddenly told you 've got no job , but your pension 's available .
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