Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] time to " in BNC.

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1 They moved nothing except their eyes , but they moved in perfect time to the footsteps , marking the position , flicking backwards and forwards as the human crossed the room above .
2 It is usually women who have left work , or moved from full time to part time employment , to care for a sick or frail elderly relative .
3 and the head or whoever it is is committed at that time to be taking the rest of the year so they can profile .
4 When he moved at this time to larger premises at no. 5 Charing Cross , his maps were reputed the finest being engraved anywhere in the world .
5 For all her encouragement to them to come at any time to her house , Rose herself was wary of calling at Great Meadow .
6 Marxism came in good time to the Socialist Workers ' party after study , after reading the books from Europe , from international contacts , from the travels of our comrades , from the contact with the Communist International .
7 A Midland TESSA may be transferred at any time to any Midland branch or other Financial Institution .
8 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
9 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
10 A particular substance , tetra-hydro. iso-quinolone ( THIQ ) , was thought at one time to be the active chemical " cause " of addiction but this is no longer thought to be precise cause .
11 I happened at that time to be a Council member , and I was therefore able to point out that Bondi 's listing of observational errors were all taken from well-attested literature .
12 This lady informed me that she and her friend had consulted a man who claimed at that time to be the leading expert in the United States in the psychic determination of past lives .
13 Although it should not normally be necessary , ‘ bulk ’ can be used at any time to completely refresh LIFESPAN information in the relational database .
14 Since school texts so frequently seem to depend upon the received knowledge of at least one intellectual generation before them , children will be condemned for some time to reading about the exploits of men .
15 Having lost their captain , Zbigniew Boniek , arguably the greatest of Polish footballers , to Juventus , Widzew saw Dziekanowski as a replacement and so , at 21 , ‘ Jacki ’ was transferred in 1984 for 21m zlotys , a record between Polish clubs , amounting at that time to some £200,000 .
16 Of course , the various families of homoclinic orbits to the origin can not cross ( at any point in parameter space the two trajectories which tend in backward time to the origin are unique and can be part of at most one homoclinic orbit ) and the dotted lines representing homoclinic orbits to the points also can not cross ( for similar reasons ) .
17 The machinery of the ancient Forest courts was found at this time to be cumbrous and ineffective .
18 I chose the example I did because it gave an important history of another library , Glasgow , and because it had also belonged at one time to the Guildhall Library , which had passed it on to them .
19 Russia asks for more time to phase out ozone depleters
20 It is also helpful to be able to refer at any time to a ‘ map ’ of the pathways followed and nodes visited in the course of a particular trip through ‘ hyperspace ’ .
21 In addition , Treasury bills can be issued at any time to government departments and the Issue Department of the Bank of England .
22 One of them brings us evidence of how Ramsey appeared at this time to an austere critic .
23 Most of us were encouraged at one time to ‘ dress up ’ and look pretty .
24 A conference of central committee secretaries of communist and workers ' parties aligned at that time to the Soviet bloc was held in Varna , Bulgaria , on Sept. 26-28 , 1989 .
25 He has remorselessly plugged the necessity for structural change — referring at one time to the need to halve steel production from its current level of 14 million tonnes .
26 Addictive disease causes the sufferer to return at some time to the substance , process or relation-ship of addiction despite various disturbances of function and despite previous negative consequences .
27 In 1985 , for example , of total federal revenue of 686 billion dinars , 110 billion dinars was derived from customs duties , 264 billion dinars from basic sales tax ( of which the federal government was entitled at that time to one-half ) , and 251 billion dinars from transfers from the republics and provinces .
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