Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] week time " in BNC.

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1 One of which was the property in Frinton which was owned jointly by Mr and his step mother who was an elderly lady who was then residing in that er property and er around that time on the first of October Mr er telephoned Mr and er told him about that but at that time , was not anticipating that there would be an difficulties about the security on Frinton for these he had always , added his case , made it perfectly clear to the man at the National Westminster Bank with whom he was dealing , Mr that that property was not a property which er could er be offered as security because of the joint ownership and er while in conversation with the bank he understood that this letter had been sent and Mrs had been on holiday and that it was simply oversight on the part of the bank at this stage and that all would well after Mrs returned , which was expected in two weeks time .
2 There 's still the home leg to come in two weeks time .
3 A special meeting has therefore been called for two weeks time in order to press forward with ideas that could be implemented next season .
4 Du n no I , there 's a friend of mine and I 'm selling it in the pa have to advertise in the paper as well so that money 's going to it , I 've made , I 'm having a word with the bank manager for business facilities and then opening an account with him at the bank to er basically get some extra , a business account going which I do n't touch , er I need to get credit facilities done on the bank , accounts and stuff , dad 's gon na look through it completely with me and work everything out , but for the next six , seven weeks I 'll be too busy with the school work to really concentrate on it , cos exams start at seven weeks time now
5 ‘ Things were being let slide because it was due to close in five weeks time . ’
6 The new Honda Accord will be launched in two weeks time and the company plans to increase the workforce as it steps up production .
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