Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 I was glad to be given for this talk a problem question — animals and the environment .
2 A great mimic , he had developed for English society an accent which outclassed the Brits around him .
3 If he is right in this , then a subsidiary issue arises as to what constitutes for this purpose a sufficient ‘ acceptance ’ of the plea .
4 He then wired through each hole a Christmas tree light bulb connected to a battery and a bell-push button .
5 The French monarchy , like the French administrative system , occupied during this period a position intermediate between the extremes to be found in Russia and Prussia on the one hand and in Great Britain on the other .
6 She had expected for some reason a warm and well-fleshed figure , dressed in tweeds saturated in the comforting perfume of unsmoked tobacco .
7 I had picked for this exercise a place that I had visited many years before. , but to which I had never returned .
8 He and five senior consultants will seek through judicial review a declaration that Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , used taxpayers ' money unlawfully in implementing white paper directives .
9 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
10 And you say like five pound a head when they they come in
11 But Brook had given the volunteer a passage from Peter Weiss ' play on Auschwitz , which recounted with great clarity a description of the dead .
12 Since each baboon interacts with many others , and since there may be a long delay between action and reciprocation , stability requires that a baboon should recognise individuals , and remember how each has behaved , or , at the very least , associate with each individual a positive or negative sign , depending on how it has behaved .
13 However , this does not mean that such ethnic reactions provide in any sense an alternative principle for the political restructuring of the world in the 21st century .
14 He should include in each demise a small number of spaces the availability of which the tenant can be sure .
15 Nevertheless , chapter 41 embodied in statutory form a principle which was to be resoundingly extended and proclaimed a century later by Wyclif : that church property might be recovered where the purpose of the original benefaction was neglected .
16 I moved away from home to work in another town a year ago , and have met a man who , as far as I 'm concerned , is Mr Right .
17 and before them a knight of great stature upon a white horse with a bloody cross , who bore in one hand a white banner , and in the other a sword which seemed to be of fire , and he made a great mortality among the Moors who were flying .
18 That , in itself , is an argument for the establishment of a Select Committee on Scottish affairs , which could consider in more detail an education system that we all value highly .
19 One can only use criminal law to test theories of law on the assumption that independently of the theory in question one has in criminal law a genuine instance of law .
20 He has in one hand a stick and is followed by a thin dog .
21 ‘ You harbour in this place a lord of the Hidden Folk , an agent of this land 's destruction .
22 Thereafter , it is added to each time a QAO log entry is actioned .
23 If the ERM continues to impose on this country an unemployment rate 750,000 above what it would otherwise be — and that is the average for Europe — we have only a short time before the racist and neo-fascist plague descends on us also — which is why launching the Anti-Racist Alliance was so urgent .
24 He was also surprised at a later date to find on one occasion an abstract in Minton 's studio .
25 The great city — say at this period a settlement of more than 200,000 , including a scattering of metropolitan towns of more than half a million — was not so much industrial ( though it might contain a good many factories ) as a centre of commerce , transport , administration and the multiplicity of services which a large concentration of people attracts and which in turn swell their number .
26 how much it is and he starts at five pound a bag .
27 Each East European Communist Party pursued at Soviet behest an autarkic model of economic development in faithful imitation of Stalinist practice .
28 That they should make of one body a site where the variousness of all other bodies is in some way received .
29 Actually , I was surprised when looking through some book a couple of years ago to find that players like Gray played relatively few game per season , often being injured .
30 In 1903 the Poplar Guardians leased for one year a new workhouse specifically for the use of able-bodied men .
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