Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lindsey said that , from 5 January , S&P were offering a variable Tessa paying an initial 7.5% , against the fixed rate version at 5.875% , which is slightly higher than the average that S&P , as a group , has been forecasting for the financial year beginning in April 1993 .
2 There 's enough food and to spare for the coming year .
3 The problems with the New Age Travellers also helped confirm the fears of nearby villagers who have been trying to get the festival stopped for the past year .
4 Intimation had been received during the previous year that they were considering paying over to the Official Trustee of Charitable Funds the sum of £12,000 , the interest on which would be sufficient to maintain their endowment of £300 .
5 It might be part of her job to parade through the ballroom but she surely did n't want to have to prattle facts and figures for what she was wearing now , a skin-tight concoction of bugle heads and sequins that probably cost more than she 'd make for the entire year .
6 I did not tell him that his imitation of the French was far more like what I had been seeing for the past year .
7 Gorbachev , speaking at the closing ceremony , acknowledged that there were basic disagreements between the two sides , but thought the meeting had created ‘ opportunities for progress ’ ; Reagan thought that ‘ useful preliminary results ’ had been achieved , and hoped that further progress would be achieved at the meeting that had been arranged for the following year .
8 And what changes can we expect to see during the coming year ?
9 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
10 ‘ It 's the usual thing , gathering together enough financial resources to continue for the coming year .
11 In other words , cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation .
12 As you will see the Q.T. days for the 1989/90 programme have been arranged with one day at the beginning of each term , as requested by you the teachers , and reflect the requests and feed-back given during the past year .
13 The game against the Belgians affords Rangers the opportunity to go through a complete year without losing at home in any competition .
14 Thus , while the stucco was engraved at the château of Monte Cristo , the Bey 's mausoleum was delayed for an entire year .
15 You might be surprised , therefore , and certainly more than a little proud , that we have come through 1992 in remarkably good shape , and are well placed for the New Year .
16 CHEMICALS group Courtaulds has come through the past year with a 3pc profits rise but is far from confident market conditions will be any easier in 1993 .
17 ‘ In the meantime we must not forget that we have tough targets to meet for the current year .
18 Mrs Manners would cook a large early dinner and they would sit and chat about the coming year .
19 Cases considered during the past year have been concluded as shown in the panel .
20 ‘ But it will definitely be rescheduled for the New Year and fans who have already bought tickets will find they are still valid or they can have their money back if they prefer . ’
21 Flotation is still not out of the picture , with 1994 being forecast as the big year .
22 a budget may be defined as a quantitative and financial plan of the activity to be pursued during the financial year to achieve that year 's objectives .
23 Although the City has recommended for the past year that Quality go public , the company has been waiting for the right moment .
24 I wish I knew more about wine , but it looks like a good year . "
25 ‘ It looks like an open year .
26 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
27 In ordinary cases the notice must be a six months ’ notice , ending with a completed year , but in the case of agricultural tenancies the Agricultural Holdings Act 1923 requires a full year 's notice .
28 Also described as traditional ( or incremental ) budgeting , the pragmatic approach starts with the previous year 's allocation of resources and updates them for any anticipated changes in , for example , planned activities , prices , or the total money available .
29 The wonderful thing about the USPGA Tour 's year-ending statistics is that a quick perusal leaves you with a crystal- clear picture of what transpired in the previous year : Which players improved the most ; which were at the top of their games ; who won what and where , and when , and how .
30 The Consumer Concerns survey carried out by the National Consumer Council ( NCC ) in 1979–80 revealed a quarter of all respondents encountering problems walking in the previous year , over half of which were considered serious .
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