Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wimpol remains totally committed to supporting you in the development of your career and , through suitable training , to ensuring that you play a full part in the company 's continued growth .
2 The function of these groups is not to provide any romantic possibilities ( although that may happen ) , but to provide contact and support by introducing you to people who have similar problems to yourself .
3 I ca n't think of anything else so I 'll finish by thanking you for all your hard work .
4 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , I must apologise for dragging you in here at such short notice , but as you will have guessed from the Meeting Notice the urgency … ’
5 ‘ I must apologise for disturbing you at such a late hour , ’ Potter said .
6 And he got you into the coach by putting his toe in your backside , and he was only stopped from horsewhipping you by Mama 's gentle persuasion .
7 Do not allow yourself to be pushed around by an agency that tells you they have a large number of suitable vacancies and then persists in sending you for jobs which are not within your specifications .
8 ‘ We thank the Government for relaxing these but this is rather like thanking somebody for refraining from hitting you on the head with a heavy stick , ’ said Brendan Burns , the federation 's Scottish-based UK vice-chairman .
9 If you 've done the business believe in paying you for it .
10 Graham , I want to start by asking you about you being mayor .
11 Graham , I want to start by asking you about you being Mayor .
12 If your next-door neighbours insist on blasting you at all hours with Wagner 's Gottedammerung " , be thankful : it might have been Heavy Metal .
13 I felt like leaving you to him .
14 I ca n't go without reminding you of Prosser 's First Rule Of Investments : do n't invest in anything with the initials ‘ b ’ and ‘ c ’ in its title .
15 She insisted on checking you over there and then
16 It is curious how agents only rarely think of providing you with a plan on a voluntary basis .
17 So you can understand what a sacrifice it is your father is making in sending you to this school .
18 What is meant by treating you as a whole person ?
19 I 'd planned on taking you to Malvern to meet my family , but , it 'll have to be another day .
20 Here again , student counsellors in college may help in talking you through such problems .
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