Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] before the end " in BNC.

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1 And plans are already underway to build a purporse built campus before the end of the decade .
2 Can I put to you , Mrs , my problems as an inspector on this , and perhaps then you 'll understand you know why it is that I am trying to get this er all written material before the end of the enquiry .
3 Over 95 per cent of graduates in agriculture obtain employment before the end of the year in which they graduate and most students have offers of jobs before taking their final exams .
4 Pressure for Cabinet changes had increased after faction leaders of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) met on Dec. 11 and resolved that a reshuffle should take place before the end of the year .
5 I have replied to all , and would like to report that I have negotiated a suitable figure with Christina Littler and Bob Haddon of Birmingham who will take possession before the end of May .
6 ‘ We 're trying our best for an agreement to start construction before the end of this year , ’ an official tells the Daily .
7 Maxell , a subsidiary of Hitachi , plans to start production before the end of 1983 , and aims for an output of 12 million cassettes a year with over 200 jobs created for local workers .
8 The first Saxon invasion of Britain took place before the end of the fifth century .
9 One other important change took place before the end of the year , the appointment of Mr. J. W. Johnston as Clerk to the Governors .
10 Noting that the conferences opening on Dec. 15 would " take due account of the opinions given by the European Parliament and by the Commission under Article 236 of the Treaty " , the Council confirmed that the work would proceed in parallel , should be concluded " rapidly and at the same time " , and that their results would be submitted for ratification with a view to this taking place before the end of 1992 .
11 Construction of facilities is nearing completion in readiness to commence production before the end of 1992 .
12 Annex B approval was received in April 1992 for the development of the Caister gas field [ LASMO 21 per cent ] which is expected to commence production before the end of 1993 .
13 Unlike other republics , Serbia had still set no date for elections , which were thought unlikely to take place before the end of 1990 .
14 Reports now suggested that a ceasefire agreement would be signed at the next round of talks , expected to take place before the end of 1990 [ for fourth session , in September 1990 , see p. 37702 ] .
15 On May 3 Matiba announced that he wished to stand as the FORD candidate in the presidential elections , expected to take place before the end of the year .
16 Although a date for the elections was not set , the government indicated that it was anxious for voting to take place before the end of the year .
17 As a result legislative elections were expected to take place before the end of January 1993 and presidential elections before mid-February .
18 Regular spot checks for specific-lesson truancy and for pupils leaving school before the end of the school day
19 Despite the continuing political ramifications of the Sagawa Kyubin affair , the further testimony concerning the scandal did appease opposition legislators sufficiently to allow a supplementary budget of 10,700,000 million yen [ see pp. 39049 ; 39191 ] to achieve approval before the end of the special session of the Diet .
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