Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Companies responsible for its prospects have gone out of business seven times , discovering that while they could make money on the big promotions , the building and park were too expensive to run on a tickover basis ( nowadays the park alone costs £650,000 a year to maintain ) , and in an earlier era of six-day working weeks , the public had not much leisure time to spend there anyway .
2 By demanding payment on a trifling amount , he is remembering what he should have forgotten and forgetting what he should have remembered — that he himself has just been forgiven .
3 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
4 This discourages mounting adhesive from oozing on to the lower surface of the preparation , where it would affect attachment on the lapping machine 's vacuum chucks .
5 ‘ Everyone made money on the immigrant worker — from the big-time capitalist to the slum landlord — from exploiting his colour , his customs , his culture .
6 Beto continued the policy but expanded the scope of inmate productivity to include building on a large scale .
7 The Government figures for investment , although accurate , represents investment on the cheap and not the full cost required for a decent job .
8 In the first instance , a simple solicitor 's letter may be sufficient to halt the work you wish to stop or to prompt action on a derelict building .
9 Draft specifications for the new science qualifications have recently been sent to schools , colleges , employers , lead bodies , professional organisations , and others , with a questionnaire to gather feedback on the proposed design .
10 To provide the convection heat , air is drawn through a centrally placed fan on the interior back plate and pushed back into the cavity via all four edges of the plate for even heat distribution .
11 Consideration is requested for allowing a capital gains tax loss on a qualifying loan to a trader to be set against income , thereby encouraging investment in new businesses .
12 These include ‘ work simulation ’ for all pupils in S3 , the option to spend a week following a course of their choice and the option to attend college on a regular basis throughout one school term .
13 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
14 Importance was attached to the legitimate interest which the English public would have in information which could throw light on a major " unsolved " crime .
15 Whereas the excavation of settlements can throw light on the useful activities of ancient societies , it is from burials not previously looted by treasure-seekers that archaeologists have recovered artefacts shaped by the finest craftsmen from the most precious substances , veritable trophies of the forces of emulation responsible for the rise of human civilizations .
16 But this principle on account of its very generality can not throw light on the above distinction , and as a result the concept of individuality remains ambiguous and obscure .
17 Indeed , it is perhaps not overly optimistic to think that the view of the relation between an event and its support put forward here may be applicable , mutatis mutandis , to the -ing form and may even throw light on the vexed question of gerund vs participle .
18 Less than ten minutes later , Ellwood was driving west on the elevated section , carving a path through the laggards and deadheads .
19 ‘ In the early Fifties , we all started setting up Resistance networks again , all over Europe , when it looked as if the Soviets were going to come west on the next train : , The Air Force was particularly interested : escape routes for aircrew and so on .
20 5 ) The same issue contains info on the 1991 Road Traffic Act .
21 A presidential candidate could win election on the first round only by gaining an absolute majority of the votes cast by at least one-quarter of registered voters ; otherwise the election would be decided by a second-round run-off between the two candidates with most votes .
22 The promising Belfast youngster has been gaining experience on the international front among the Federation Cup aspirants in Nottingham .
23 The VCR also converts the colour coding system from NTSC to PAL , by changing the frequency at which the colour information is carried piggyback on the black and white information .
24 She had thought she had been keeping watch on the creeping grey-streaked matter , but it had moved suddenly , the embryonic fingers clutching the ground , pulling the oozing , mucousy river forward until it was bubbling over her feet .
25 In the alley itself , Detective Gary Lomax had been keeping watch on the towering fire escape .
26 SAVE , working with the Jubilee Hall campaign , had drawn up a scheme for alternative use , which involved building on the adjacent empty site .
27 If anyone had committed murder on the lonely turnoff from the M4 , it must have been Marius .
28 The initiative was fully supported by the Petrochemicals business and Phillips Imperial Petroleum have significantly accelerated the asbestos stripping programme on the Crude Oil Unit .
29 These seminars , reported on page 4 , have been designed to allow centres to provide feedback on the new qualifications , as well as receiving up-to-date information on the awards .
30 In language which sounded convincingly like a social democrat 's , he indicated that Labour would concentrate investment on the new commanding heights of the modern economy — education and training — and on technical research and the transport system .
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