Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] of the same " in BNC.

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1 A tract entitled The Manner of Passing Bills in Parliament , published in 1685 , may have formed part of the same work .
2 Males are generally the more mobile sex socially ; females commonly remain part of the same social unit throughout their lives and their relationships often provide a basic stability to it .
3 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
4 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
5 A property which was neither helping — as a qualifier forming part of the same noun phrase — to identify that entity , nor ascribable to any entity within the sentence , and which was not simply adverbially qualifying the verb , would have no convincing reason for appearing in the sentence at all .
6 I think current motor cars will become you know sort of erm boxes all looking sort of the same , nothing outstanding .
7 The proportion of each subclass was calculated in relation to the total number of IgG producing cells present in the evaluated area of the same section .
8 Our proposal , then , is that postnominal position expresses the intensional pattern which contains an adjective linked to its head noun by assignment , while remaining part of the same phrase .
9 I sort of recognise it , but I ai n't sure — a lot of places look sort of the same .
10 There is no reason why it should , for it forms part of the same document , and appears to have been executed at the same time , as the legacy of liberatio .
11 This suggests that if a planning phase of speech is disrupted , then the following phase which forms part of the same semantic cycle will no longer be fluent because the prior semantic planning necessary for fluent speech has not been completed .
12 A statement forms part of the res gestae of a case if it is made contemporaneously with or shortly after any act or occurrence in issue in the proceedings so as to form part of the same transaction .
13 In the absence of more sophisticated software , and taking account of the desirability of direct client involvement , it was decided to try and make use of the same programme for record-keeping and analysis .
14 It is not just at the ends of words where common letter sequences can make use of the same nodes in a tree structure .
15 Robin Horton , in a widely cited article on African systems of thought ( 1967 ) , likewise attempted to break down the elements of scientific thinking in order to demonstrate that so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples such as the Azande did in fact make use of the same elements of thought , although applied to different content .
16 Fabien wanted the vignoble to be run by someone in sympathy with his aims , who would continue with the modernisation process he 'd started , and produce wine of the same quality .
17 There are fears that if the water industry is sold off , private companies with their principal interest in profit will have use of the same powerful law as the present publicly-accountable bodies to carry out work without having to seek the permission of the owner or occupier of the land , or pay for the right of access .
18 Notwithstanding anything herein contained or the completion of the Lease nothing in this agreement shall release the Landlord from any liability in respect of defects appearing in the Works due to bad or faulty workmanship or design or materials provided notice of the same shall have been given to the Landlord by the Tenant or its successors in title before the expiration of the period of [ 6 ] years from the date hereof and upon receipt of such notice the Landlord shall forthwith take such action as may be necessary to remedy the defects at its own expense with all possible expedition
19 There was , of course , a diversity of tenures — so much so that it can never be assumed that the customs of any two manors were identical , or even similar , unless perhaps they formed part of the same feudal honour , for example the barony of Lewes in Sussex , which had evolved a set of common customs .
20 However , recall of the preceding clause ( clause 2 ) varied depending on whether or not that clause formed part of the same sentence as the most recent clause .
21 However , when the preceding clause and the last-heard clause formed part of the same sentence ( as in version ( a ) ) , recall scores for the preceding clause were 81 per cent .
22 Used in this way the comparative approach can afford a perspective and lead to greater insight into domestic issues by sharpening understanding of the same phenomena in one 's own country .
23 Again we 're using repetition of the same starting phrase in two octaves here .
24 If it is the wife who dies , her personal representatives may not be aware of her interest in the house or may have difficulty in producing proof of the same , much to the detriment of her estate .
25 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
26 We can continue to represent the normal case , which corresponds to Bolinger 's referent-qualification , by either of the types of formulae : ( 6 ) Although it is relatively easy to describe verbally the second version where the adjective qualifies the property of the noun but does not in itself qualify the entity of the noun phrase , it is not so easy to suggest a simple but appropriate diagrammatic representation for it ; we may perhaps adopt a formulation as in ( 7 ) where the arrowhead representing qualification passes through the bracket into the property which is the descriptive identification resource of the noun : ( 7 ) [ ( DISTANT ) ( COUSIN ) ] We should still speak of the adjective as attributive , since it remains part of the same entity-identification as the noun ; and it is still perfectly proper to describe it as qualifying the noun syntactically , inasmuch as it marks an extension of what would be achieved by using the noun alone .
27 All these categories form part of the same logical structure and none of them is intrinsically more important , or more fundamental , than any of the others .
28 They are alike in that both form part of a single entity-identifier ; this is reflected in surface syntax by the fact that they form part of the same noun phrase as their head noun .
29 As I understand it Jehovah 's Witnesses accept and take advantage of the same medical treatment as those who do not subscribe to their beliefs and are as anxious as anyone else to recover from any illness from which they may suffer .
30 In Western philosophy , when knowledge or theory comprehends the other , then the alterity of the latter vanishes as it becomes part of the same .
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