Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] of [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I caught sight of myself in the peeling mirror : long thin legs , blue from the cold , clashing with the bright pink mini-dress which began at my neck and finished at my knickers .
2 I caught sight of myself in the peeling mirror : long thin legs , blue from the cold clashing with the bright pink mini-dress which began at my neck and finished at my knicker legs …
3 I caught sight of myself in the mirror . ’
4 I caught sight of myself in that reflected window world that you can only see when it 's dark outside .
5 Molly caught sight of herself in the mirror , standing beside her daughter .
6 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
7 As she dried , she caught sight of herself in the mirror .
8 As she went out she caught sight of herself in the mirror at the back of the counter .
9 She caught sight of herself in a long gilt mirror and smoothed her fair hair .
10 On the other hand , the mere fact that money is paid under protest will not give rise of itself to the inference of such an agreement ; though it may form part of the evidence from which it may be inferred that the payee did not intend to close the transaction : see Maskell v. Horner [ 1915 ] 3 K.B .
11 You put part of yourself into your housing , do n't you ?
12 The reasons for our mortality become obvious as soon as we stop thinking of ourselves as individuals .
13 His reading was hesitant owing to a stammer that tied his tongue whenever he was expected to give account of himself before the rest of the class .
14 She knew , of course , that men were driven by lusts of the flesh , desires that they satisfied with little or no regard for the females they wanted , but , strangely enough , she would not have considered fitzAlan to be a man to lose control of himself for that reason .
15 Thinking — cognisance — is , however , not a matter of being in one mental state or another , or of flashing through a sequence of mental states : it is having conception of oneself as an experiencer of an external world , an experiencer who has the freedom to perform cognisant acts .
16 She 'd be sluicing her face down with cold water , I assumed , vowing never again to drink so much that she lost control of herself in such an embarrassing , such an appallingly dangerous and potentially disastrous way .
17 There were many complaints about the number of people registering for charity , and the Burgesses ordered that ‘ in future no stranger , journeyman or servant , single or married should remain in the borough longer than six days without giving account of himself to the Mayor ’ .
18 Presumably , it was felt that businessmen could take care of themselves in this area , and the fact that such clauses are not in common use in business contracts seems to bear this out .
19 ‘ They 've just decided Pat can now take care of himself in the outside world .
20 Some viruses can be so vicious that if you do not take care of yourself for a couple of days when you first fall ill you could spend three weeks or more under par .
21 ‘ I am twenty-four , independent , I have my own flat , my own business , and I think I can take care of myself for a couple of weeks on a small , friendly Mediterranean island , thanks very much !
22 After her brief confrontation with Romano de Sciorto she was trembling all over , she registered dimly , catching sight of herself in an ornate Venetian mirror on the wall .
23 Catching sight of herself in a wall mirror , Loretta closed her mouth and waited for Bridget to go on .
24 Catching sight of herself in one of the long gilt-framed mirrors , she decided all she needed was a parrot on her shoulder .
25 Catching sight of herself in a full-length , cane-framed mirror on the wall , she paused , a sick feeling growing inside her , and she groaned .
26 Catching sight of herself in the long wall-mirror as she pulled a peach-coloured , button-necked nightshirt over her head , she found herself wondering what Guy was doing .
27 His father also took holy orders while Hilbert , practising as a solicitor in Ipswich , took care of himself by marrying a rich woman .
28 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
29 The student is now ready to add part of himself to his fighting capabilities .
30 I 've taken care of myself over the years : I hope it shows . ’
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