Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] of [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My large , triangular landing net is stuck net upwards in the mud to the left of the gap in the rushes where it will be handy to get at and easy to catch hold of in the dark .
2 and you 're at A , let's say , let's say , North is that way , okay , and you you set this up and you have a look , you say , where 's that lighthouse , oh it 's on a bearing of forty five degrees , and a lot later when you 've sailed sort of past the lighthouse , or the lighthouse is behind you , you take a bearing , and you still go around clockwise ,
3 Here 's a summary , which shows you how each of these strengths can be made use of in the workplace .
4 The hunting techniques we have just discussed for wolves and African dogs are made use of in the training of sheepdogs .
5 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
6 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
7 and got sort of in the hall , ha , and you can just about see it
8 and you went up there and there 's them building sort of on the top is n't there
9 erm so er tt I think the other thing that 'll be nice if erm er given , if the first years are filling it in er in about a week and a half 's time , if we could if you could try and bash some of the data in fairly rapidly so that , you know kind of before the end of term we can , you know , kind of give them a brief digest of how , what , what the results were
10 Yeah but there is n't a flat top it divides sort of in the middle
11 A sperm whale , for example , can not see directly fore and aft , a factor made use of by the mariners of old , who quietly crept up upon them from straight astern or dead ahead .
12 Arthur erm he was exempt from erm er these sort of civil defence activities , I think bit of in the road where he lived .
13 These included ensuring the consultations would be ‘ meaningful , open-minded and fully taken account of before the final decision ( on closures ) is made ’ .
14 As the cost of funding a loan(s) fluctuates in the interbank market this is taken account of in the determination of interest rates payable by the borrower at pre-arranged reference date intervals of three , six or twelve months as set out in the loan contract .
15 In our study , gender was taken account of in the selection of workshops : we studied workshops with men only , with women only , workshops where men and women did the same work and were paid at the same rate , and those where the sexes did different jobs and men were paid more than women .
16 Additional concern for your welfare is taken care of with the option of Saab 's Traction Control System .
17 He announced his credo unashamedly in his first editorial : ‘ We believe we are filling a publishing need only slightly less important than the one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report . ’
18 The restriction of world trade and output , inflation , feather-bedding of inefficiency , retaliation : all these standard objections would allegedly be taken care of by the proposed system .
19 The interest of creditors and contractual partners is taken care of by the imposition of a statutory minimum of registered capital .
20 Video duties were taken care of by the respected Paradise Windows accelerator card , featuring the speedy WD90C31 accelerator chip .
21 The upgrade is normally taken care of by the Upgrade Centre itself , but Mike Murphy , MD at the centre , told Practical PC that he 's quite happy for a dealer to do the upgrade for a client , by acting as a sort of middle man .
22 This in turn proves to be an attraction to many destitute persons abroad , who feel that if they apply for refugee status in a Western country , they will be taken care of by the social welfare system of that country for a year or two , or even longer , while their claims are being examined . ’
23 Use of the wrong half-life is automatically taken care of in the calibration of a conventionally calculated date .
24 The final problem , that of disposing of the young , is easily taken care of in the case of Angels ; friends , clubmates , and dealers are usually keen to acquire good Angels .
25 Branson had drawn up what was to become known as the ‘ Million List ’ — the number of things that had to be taken care of in the next three months before the airline could fly .
26 And in no time at all , I did n't have to ask for jobs , I 'd got more than I could do , you know and er I was still , very well taken care of in the shop .
27 The SLF has been pushing Government to ensure the interests of landlords are taken care of in the regulations but in the meantime , Mr Barlow said the advice not to relet was the only choice even although it would have a serious effect on entrants wanting to get into let holdings .
28 Urwick shared this view , arguing that too narrow an interpretation of citizenship prevailed : ‘ the sense of duty is not realised , and the all-pervading duties of citizenship are lost sight of in the wilderness of interests of both individuals and groups ’ .
29 The official compilation was of moment because it ensured that certain general claims of the papacy , and the specific reasons for these claims , were not lost sight of in the later history of the papacy .
30 Probably the basic ideas of democracy — the idea of equal political rights for all ( or at least for all men ) , the idea of a government of the poor or of the people , the idea of turning the traditional social hierarchies upside down — have never been entirely lost sight of among the vast submerged majorities of history .
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