Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] to [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The use of too few coordinate points will result in angular boundaries while the use of too many points is uneconomical as a printer is only capable of resolving position to within one character position .
2 They have pushed south to within 100 miles of Baghdad , and talk optimistically of marching on the capital .
3 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
4 Mr Balcerowicz said his policies would bring unemployment to between 10 and 20 per cent .
5 When matters of race are located and called attention to in American literature , critical response has tended to be on the order of a humanistic nostrum — or a dismissal mandated by the label ‘ political ’ .
6 A straw poll among women who have recently given birth revealed one father who mirrored every pain his wife laid claim to with one of his own ; back ache was a special problem .
7 They were often unable to keep time to within fifteen minutes a day and were frequently out of order .
8 All of these foundationalisms are subjected to thoroughgoing challenges , as perhaps given voice to with greatest immediacy and impact in Nietzsche 's radical epistemological , ethical , and aesthetic scepticism , in turn-of-the-century cultural modernism .
9 Delaney had , since his young wife , Pam , who always worried stiff at his parachuting , had died underneath a juggernaut , with the son she would have given life to in one month 's time .
10 Colin Wilkinson took the ball on the burst and brought play to within ten metres of the home line where Colin Morrison fed the three quarters for Maurice Field to go in close to touch .
11 I do indeed pay tribute to over one thousand two hundred top business and community leaders who serve on our eighty two training and enterprise councils and who indeed is quite right in er earmarking , do a tremendous amount of work on equal opportunities .
12 Corman , a young independent producer born of the post-Superior Court ruling when studios were cutting back on their own B-movie productions , did not know it at the time , nor did anyone else , but he was about to make a significant contribution to what later became known as the ‘ new Hollywood ’ through the personalities he gave work to on low budget films , either acting , writing , directing or all three .
13 ‘ I 'm either very naive or there is nothing to take exception to at all . ’
14 The 1990 budget , presented in October 1989 , sought a 4 per cent growth rate while reducing inflation to between 9.5 and 10.5 per cent .
15 However , in reaffirming it as an objective , Mr Kinnock was careful not to set a timescale for reducing unemployment to between 750,000 and one million , depending on circumstances .
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