Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ( 5 ) In order to keep his underwriting costs to a minimum , the bidder will normally wish to shut-off the cash underwritten alternative as soon as practicable .
2 It produced the coal for 80 per cent of Britain 's electricity , so , like the CEGB , it had a direct interest in denying the effects of acid rain , or at least delaying action as long as possible .
3 Since money is seen as one component of total wealth , we can expect the demand for money to be directly related to total wealth so long as money is regarded as a ‘ normal good ’ by wealth-holders. ( b ) Rates of return on financial assets ( R ) .
4 John Wain — another Movement novelist — is said to have voted Conservative as early as 1951 , before he ever published a book , as if silently laying down a marker for the future : but then that was in the days of Winston Churchill .
5 It is important to observe behaviour as accurately as possible because the more accurate the observation the more this helps you to place a valid interpretation on what you have seen or heard .
6 He stressed that people should also seek advice as early as possible if they feel they are getting into financial difficulties .
7 Numeric values may include calculation so long as there are no keywords .
8 All of this is totally incomprehensible to the woman , who wants unification as soon as possible .
9 There 's a bleak line in the book when , his parents divorcing , his father leaving for Europe , Rock quotes himself , aged 11 , saying ‘ I 'll be OK , Dad , I wo n't need Mom so long as I can have the limo . ’
10 Editor , — After being transferred to human insulin a number of patients have complained that they do not recognise hypoglycaemia as clearly as they used to with animal insulin .
11 It is important to assist the patient to change position regularly while in bed and to encourage ambulation as quickly as possible to assist the circulation .
12 MOMENTS of passion can include ice-cream so long as it is the grown-up variety .
13 In the tense climate of postwar eastern Europe , the new powers expediently circumnavigated the full truth of their citizens ' wartime collaboration and atrocities in order to consolidate power as quickly as possible .
14 Amsterdam sipped his Madeira , seeing Topaz as clearly as if she were sitting opposite him .
15 Lord Justice MacDermott said he would give judgement as soon as possible .
16 Finally , the restructuring school conceptualizes industry more clearly as capitalist .
17 However , my hair is beginning to look rather dull and I 'd like to get it back to peak condition as soon as possible .
18 This is often linked with a supposed denunciatory effect — the idea that the mandatory life sentence denounces murder as emphatically as possible — and with a supposed general deterrent effect , in declaring that there is no mitigation of sentence available for this crime .
19 This may be connected to the fact that the youngsters came bottom as far as hugs were concerned , as 57pc said their parents hugged them compared with a national average of 70pc .
20 ‘ Beineix dares much , pushing farce as far as it will go while simultaneously building the momentum that catapults the film into its tragic destination .
21 Later generations spread south as far as the tip of South America ; later still they reached similar latitudes in southern New Zealand .
22 Men like him were born with charm , exuded sensuality as unthinkingly as they breathed in air .
23 The Red Army units had their own dynamic and their own imperative — to reach Kaledin as swiftly as possible , regardless of peasant opinion .
24 The main emphasis was on encouraging the use of evidence extracted from former Mafia members , who would now give evidence as far as possible in front of the judge alone [ for other provisions see p. 38979 ] .
25 She had been on the verge of hysteria then ; add to that a day of travelling , with him pushing Chalon as fast as the horse could go carrying a double weight , plus the previous day 's tensions , and it was a wonder she had n't given in to it .
26 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
27 My only blurred thought was to reach shelter as soon as possible and the good belay spelt one word — abseil .
28 ‘ Although I do not speak English as well as I should , I did at one time know England well .
29 If he played golf as badly as that he 'd pack it in .
30 In the event , however , the groups which came to power in most of these countries determined to restore capitalism as quickly as possible , encouraged in this course by the swarms of ‘ free-marketeers ’ who descended upon them , notably from the US , Britain , Germany and the International Monetary Fund .
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