Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't want money made that way ; he did n't want the humiliation .
2 They should also be given permission to issue some form of fixed interest profit-related bond , be allowed to raise a proportion of their equity direct from the public and be subject to independent regulation similar to that of privatised utilities .
3 National Power and PowerGen have been given permission to burn that fuel at their power stations at Pembroke , Richborough and Ince .
4 A recent Gallup Poll showed that 80pc of the public oppose foxhunting with 79pc objecting so firmly that they favour Parliament banning this cruelty .
5 It is possible to borrow money using this undertaking , or promise to pay , as security .
6 If this is true then there may be a loophole for the theory ; a case where an individual , for some reason or another , such as being abandoned at birth , never discovers how he was born , nor has opportunity to absorb such information unconsciously while a young child .
7 Accordingly , it was the duty of the solicitors who were instructing counsel to make this claim and who , in correspondence , had evinced an intention to seek an order for costs against the local authority because of the supposed failure of the local authority to discharge its duty properly , to provide for the court a detailed statement of those costs ; moreover , to prepare that statement with proper care .
8 To accept change took more courage than I possessed .
9 ‘ I suppose you had never expected Faith to have any money of her own ? ’ she asked .
10 In particular , one may need help to see that caretaking for other people , protecting them from damaging consequences and also doing everything one can to " help " , may be having the exact opposite of the desired effect .
11 We recognize that changes in attitude can be encouraged by good staff training , particularly in management and communication skills , and we would wish to encourage management to offer such training on as wide a basis as possible .
12 Matthew is one of 32 students at Harwell and 27 at Culham gaining work experience this summer .
13 I urge Conference to support this motion .
14 Tell me , since we came here has Cowslip answered any question you 've asked him ? "
15 Many of them will need major works this century .
16 And from our analysis of the signal extraction problem we can deduce that economies with highly volatile aggregate demand will be economies in which a high proportion of unexpected local price movements are attributed to aggregate demand shocks , and will therefore be economies in which shocks to aggregate demand have little impact on real output .
17 The decision whether to treat is dependent upon an exercise of his own professional judgment , subject only to the threshold requirement that , save in exceptional cases usually of emergency , he has the consent of someone who has authority to give that consent . ’
18 The decision whether to treat is dependent upon an exercise of his own professional judgment , subject only to the threshold requirement that , save in exceptional cases usually of emergency , he has the consent of someone who has authority to give that consent .
19 ‘ I stopped Pool crushing that woman to death . ’
20 But once his intellect is satisfied , he does not need intellect to follow that path .
21 Because the likelihood of future bombs was impossible to judge , most insurers simply refused to provide terrorist cover this year .
22 He also found time to pursue another ambition , to build a world-beating US sports car to ‘ whip Ferrari 's ass ’ .
23 The wonder is perhaps that he has time to do any writing and research at all after running two companies — Pluto Press ( Australia ) and PR agency Social Change Media — and with partner Stephanie Dowrick , also a writer , bringing up two children .
24 The observation that 112 ( 62 per cent ) patients who reported pain experienced more pain at night suggests that a considerable number may have an ischaemic element associated with their ulcers .
25 The court has power to make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the transaction had not been entered into and also , in this case , for protecting the interests of persons who are the victims of the transaction : subsection ( 2 ) .
26 In the family proceedings court the justices ' clerk has power to vary any time limit imposed by the rules .
27 I certainly do not want rugby to follow this pattern ’ .
28 ‘ We did not expect Faith to have any money at all .
29 The new law also empowered parliament to veto any government decision on direct links within 30 days .
30 Informix says Storm means less work for MIS departments because users do n't have to understand the database schema and can do more work themselves with the tools .
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