Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of writing , the dust has still not finally settled on this matter as the Catholic Education Council has not abandoned the struggle to save De La Salle College of Higher Education , one of those scheduled for closure .
2 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
3 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
4 Fr Butler told his bosses that he no longer wanted to be a priest , but he has still not formally quit .
5 This attitude reflects badly on the conference service industry and demonstrates that it has still not fully come to terms with the need for quality and a caring approach in its business .
6 He refused to allow the party access to his fund , and partly for this reason the Liberals were forced to accept a drastic reduction in the number of candidatures , from 513 in 1929 to 112 in 1931 , The condition of the Liberals was far more serious than that of Labour , for the Liberal party was beginning to lose its sense of identity and purpose ( and has still not fully recovered it ) .
7 Another strength of using proprietary relational database technology is that we can use many report writers which are available to access that database , not only the accounting data but potentially all of the corporate data to pull out not only accounting reports but reports which combine information as necessary , partly from the accounting system , partly from the sales order processing system , partly from the inventory system , whatever they may be .
8 What is even more remarkable against this background is that modern science has now not only taken an interest in the mystical art of the Zodiac , but is actually trying to prove that a person 's stars do have an effect .
9 The notion of converting the Dak to turbo-power has come about not primarily to give it better performance , better uplift , greater range — although all of these assets , and more , are by-products of the transformation — but to allow the aircraft to survive in a world where Avgas — fuel for piston engines — is becoming increasingly rare and Avtur — aviation turbine fuel — is the dominant motion lotion .
10 In mid-1990 a law was passed in Delaware that enabled banks incorporated there not just to underwrite and sell insurance , but also to conduct reinsurance business .
11 accepted nationwide not just force wide .
12 Chris Poole says there not here to win the race but get in touch with kids and help promote solar power the American 's are here in force too … in the states solar technology is big business
13 Why , why was n't it enough that out of every experience that I mean like not much happens to the back of your neck like that , that 's one thing that I 'd even think about , I mean I 'm not any kind of historian , but like , like anything like the back of the neck I would think of a guillotine also .
14 This assertion that the modus should be enforced directly not only fits badly in the context , but also seems to contradict a text of Julian discussed earlier , in which he proposed using the traditional cautio method to secure performance .
15 The issues raised there not only go to the root of the relationships between adults and children but also raise the issue of political control in general and in particular , the rights and duties of individuals to confront a sense of injustice .
16 As it turns out not only do we find similar " meanings " coded into quite different formal behaviours but we also find that superficially similar formal behaviours may be coded to " say " quite different things .
17 City land available for house-building was further reduced by the building of railways and roads which often swallowed up not only building land but also existing working-class housing .
18 A tan acquired slowly not only looks nicer and more natural , but it lasts longer and rarely peels .
19 You ask how they know and they give you a vague description about the pelvis , etc. etc. , and you go away not altogether satisfied with the explanations .
20 because at that meeting you can imagine that twenty people gathering then you end up not really making any decisions , far too many people , there was a lot discussed and aired and it concerns expressed and it was a case , and I 'm going from recollection here , it was really a case of let's go away and think about it and calm down and look at it rationally
21 This failure to respond appropriately not only called the government 's good faith into question , opening the way to all kinds of lurid speculation about its actions and motives , but further victimized Pan Am .
22 Modification of the fluids through washing thus not only changes the salt concentrations , but may also induce separation or aggregation of the particles , so that subsequent size analysis may not indicate the natural interrelationship between the particles during deposition or achieved since .
23 Okay so this was worked out not really knowing anything about what 's going on here we 've got that and that go together what would happen well pretty good bet that you 'd get this calcium chloride cos that seems to form pretty easily .
24 Yes chairman I 've not not really got an awful lot to add to that .
25 You can start with a cocktail at the Waikiki fun pub , relax in the New Pacha bar , slip down to ‘ Snobs ’ or ‘ Gigalo 's ’ for a dance , and you 've still not even scratched the surface of the place .
26 Various items of furniture had still not yet arrived , and the alteration to the cistern in the apothecary 's shop had not been done — the plumber had not yet received the necessary part from London !
27 Walesa said on April 7 that Poland " had still not yet settled the relation between a civilian Minister of Defence and professional military matters " .
28 Gedge had still not fully applied himself to music and was quite happy to play board games with Solowka rather than the laborious task of writing songs .
29 He had probably not even noticed her , a tall , rather too thin woman of thirty odd , with dark auburn hair .
30 Danilov , The Voice observed , had probably not even begun to contemplate his murder when Dostoevsky was shaping Raskolnikov 's .
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