Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is a complex range of institutions and practices involved in local political activity , including economically and socially based organizations .
2 [ I ] bFGF ( 1 µCi ) applied subcutaneously or intragastrically accumulated in two to threefold higher amounts in the ulcer area than in the intact mucosa , particularly in rats treated with sucralfate .
3 ( If one refrains from oiling the gear teeth of a grandfather clock , the teeth will not only not collect the dust and so not grind each other away , but also become harder and more polished as times goes on and so last virtually for ever . )
4 It was a cold and damp winter , but he recovered slowly and indeed seemed cheerful ; he sat beside the open coal fire in the drawingroom and would sometimes sing music-hall ditties as his wife ministered to him — " coddling " , he used to call it .
5 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
6 The funeral home had an extensive array of coffins , from handmade ones produced locally and beautifully finished to ornate caskets shipped in from America , some had fur linings .
7 Baddeley , champion three times in the past , fought grimly and finally took the marathon first game after 24 minutes .
8 Baddeley , champion three times in the past , fought grimly and finally took the marathon first game after 24 minutes .
9 Obviously there are certain key factors to any sort of reasonable living space : walls and ceiling will have to be decorated along with all the woodwork ; windows and floors have to be treated in some way ; there must be light both to see by and to enhance the space ; there should be something to sit on and probably to eat from and almost certainly somewhere to work at times .
10 He hoisted up a plank to sit on and then let down a small rope .
11 Charles and John Higgs clicked , and it was largely thanks to the relationship struck up with him , and the sheer personality of the man , that Charles became wholly and genuinely enthused by every aspect of the Duchy .
12 All she wanted was to sit down and maybe read a book .
13 But if we get them to sit down and actually do the cycle you know , so they do it
14 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
15 Yesterday , as Paul McCormack , 23 , of Meeks Road , Falkirk , was jailed for a year at the High Court in Edinburgh when he admitted culpably and recklessly throwing the trolleys on to the line from the bridge in the town 's Hope Street on 13 April last year , Graeme spoke of the moment he knew he had to act .
16 Paul McCormack ( 23 ) was jailed for a year when he admitted culpably and recklessly throwing two trolleys on to the line from a railway bridge at Hope Street in Falkirk on April 13 last year .
17 Down there they will escape the buffetings of the storms to come and there too , where temperatures are much lower , their bodily process will slow down and so use less energy at a time in the year when there is little for these animals to eat .
18 ‘ Katherine , I have to tell you something I would rather not have to say , ’ Mathilde plunged in and then hesitated .
19 ‘ I mean , how was I to know you were n't a sex-mad pervert who 'd broken in and hideously raped you before coming after me ? ’
20 He saw her safely checked in and then left her , his last words calculated to wound .
21 The materials were broken down and thoroughly mixed and were then led into a " back " where the slurry remained for several weeks while the water was gradually drained off .
22 Your interest is calculated daily and then paid back into your Multipoint Account every year on 1st July .
23 It is an S-shaped curve ( See Meadows ) , which shows increasing growth at first , then slows down and finally tends asymptotically to approach a maximum .
24 A different suggestion is that the rate of the Earth 's spin periodically slows down and then speeds up again , the ‘ slow ’ times coinciding with ice ages .
25 They lived together and even multiplied , though the opportunity for a doctor to hurry over the gangplank with a black bag , and , in his turn , fall into the river , had been missed .
26 If enough bands got together and maybe took a stand , for once , on certain things — like corporate sponsorship , which is a big sack of shit .
27 She did n't say and I , I never thought to ask her , no she did n't say so we 're just , that 's why really as I say I do n't , I think at first she was quite happy for us to go in and maybe take stuff in , but I do n't think she was happy about us doing structural things on it
28 My guess is though , that if , if the age difference had been something like erm , seven or eight years , by the time your mother was asking you to give up sweets for your very much younger brother , you would probably have matured sufficiently and perhaps identified enough with your mother to see yourself playing a more kind of maternal role , as , you know the grown up sister .
29 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
30 We strongly suspected that when these Black women sought assistance , eg from local authority housing departments , institutionalised racism plus the sexism they experienced , were compounded together and further exasperated their problems .
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