Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He could discuss effortlessly and at length the breeding and points of his patients ; he rode , he hunted , he even looked the part with his long aristocratic face , clipped moustache and lean frame .
2 17.32 Development in attainment target 3 is marked by : increasing control over the structure and organisation of different types of text ; a growing ability to handle complex or demanding subject matter ; a widening range of syntactic structures and an expanding vocabulary as the pupil begins to use language that is characteristic of writing rather than speech and to strive for a style that is appropriate to the subject matter and the readership ; a growing capacity to write independently and at length ; an increasing proficiency in re-reading and revising or redrafting the text , taking into account the needs of the audience ; a developing ability to reflect on and talk about the writing process .
3 the matching of form to subject matter and readership and a growing capacity to write independently and at length ;
4 Its civil jurisdiction was encroached upon , as contracts made and wrongs done abroad or at sea were brought within the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts by fictions , such as the pretence that such towns as Bordeaux were within the area of , say , Cheapside , so that many international commercial transactions were considered to be purely municipal .
5 There was a good correlation between individual triglyceride concentrations measured preprandially and at bedtime ( r =0.84 , p<0.001 ) .
6 With the good weather our thoughts turned seaward and at Whitsun we launched our nine foot dinghy which we had brought from England .
7 Investors have their capital tied up and at risk ; senior managers have their livings and ulcers tied up in it ; but we must not forget the men on the shop floor who have their lives and self-respect tied up in it too . ’
8 Lodewijk Houthakker was an Amsterdam dealer who assembled the collection over thirty years ( into the 1980s ) , buying privately and at auction .
9 ‘ Clubs will get on the box , ’ he says , ‘ if they are doing well and at home to one of the big boys .
10 On reaching them turn left and at corner after 30 yds turn right .
11 All computed tomograms ( CTs ) done at local hospitals are reviewed here , when the patient is referred initially or at follow-up .
12 Wedding rituals in either case are a classic example of how the statements made by participants in a particular context should not be taken literally or at face value but must be interpreted as standing for something else , rich in ambiguity and figures of speech .
13 The Buddha spoke often and at length to his disciples about what he called dhamma ( the Pali word for the Sanskrit dharma ) .
14 Certainly she talks eagerly and at length about her work , but with a clarity of thought that never wanders from the point , and an easy expertise .
15 Although about 20% of the women were taken into hospital at the time of their illness , we do not know how many of the episodes were confirmed radiologically or at operation .
16 She would talk loudly and at length and everyone would have to listen to her or they 'd get no food .
17 Hazard is out so Nicky Summerbee comes in and at number nine there 's a recall for Dave Mitchell … top scorer Maskell is ruled out
18 In our final Report we defined carefully and at length what we meant by ‘ grammar ’ and by knowledge about language , and what kinds of programmes of study we thought appropriate .
19 The largest group works full-time outside the home , while others work part-time or at home , or run their own businesses ( 8% ) , sometimes from home .
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