Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] as the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
2 The usual way of expressing Boyle 's law , however , is Thus , when a gas is allowed to expand ( or is compressed ) at constant temperature from an initial volume of V1 to a final volume of V2 , the final pressure P2 can be calculated so long as the initial pressure Pl is known .
3 As John Hamilton said , ‘ It was imperative to estimate extremely accurately as the materials and labour had to be quantified in the original bid .
4 We have run the whole gamut of colour with the post-war American varieties , then the swing back to Europe for scent with the colour , then the bi-colour with the petals showing contrasting colours on each side , revealed so attractively as the petals curl back on themselves .
5 In its original form , it is a time-consuming and complicated procedure , but it can be simplified so long as the underlying principles are honoured ( see Arnold , 1982 ) .
6 ‘ Push or pull — who cares so long as the job gets done , ’ Hayman put in .
7 His godson , Harry Hubbard , is a young Agency aspirant who joins up just as the Cold War is getting hot .
8 The posture is organised as carefully as the length of the red tags or the Sta-prest or the hair .
9 Like many Oxford men , he belonged to the strong Socratic tradition in which dialogue was esteemed as highly as the written word .
10 The 8.16 from Darlington and the returning 10.38 behaved as impeccably as the reception class at a Victorian Sunday school .
11 All that matters as far as the law is concerned is , did you buy the goods from a shop ?
12 That 's all that really matters as far as the law is concerned .
13 It is n't easy when you 're in a single room jammed up with a double bed , and the dump is decorated as carelessly as the inside of a rarely used cupboard .
14 Eubank 's priority is to recover from a badly-bruised right forearm , sustained as early as the second round of a unanimous victory which stretched his winning sequence to 35 .
15 They also showed me the silver anklets for state elephants ( used until the 1930s ) and silver palanquins , used as recently as the 1950s .
16 Hoomey took off as usual , holding his nose , and came up with a shriek that probably carried as far as the bridge party two streets away .
17 The gags fly as fast as the bullets .
18 Once again , the wisecracks fly as fast as the bullets — and are just as deadly .
19 The deposit of a variety of jade amulets for ensuring good fortune and warding off ill-luck among Fu Hao 's grave goods shows that jade had already begun to be directed to individual needs as early as the Shang dynasty , at least for one at the peak of the social system .
20 Here he would be forced to work as hard as the people among whom he lived .
21 Scenes from both appear as early as the eighth century BC , and , with constant copying , take a stylized form , even by the late sixth century on Attic black-figured vessels .
22 It had vanished as surely as the name of her village had been erased from the map of Israel .
23 The German Communist Party had not only failed to carry out.the revolution but had vanished as rapidly as the Social Democrats .
24 The white-washed walls of the lift shaft moved smoothly downwards as the lift ascended .
25 Ships were carved from the blighted forests with supernatural speed , and raiders moved as far as the Isle of the Dead before being turned back by the warding spells .
26 Some day a Western team will be able to get sufficient funds to train as intensively as the Poles , who yet again took the first three places and the team prize .
27 An even more spectacular reversal occurred as recently as the day following the inauguration of President Clinton when Mr F Pena , the incoming US Transportation Secretary , quite unashamedly declared that the US ‘ can not give away valuable rights … without equivalent benefits for US carriers . ’
28 She swayed towards him , wanting to feel his skin against hers , but his mood changed as swiftly as the wind and he pulled the gown round her roughly , his eyes as cold as stones .
29 However , the technology is moving very fast and , as pen computers come into common usage , prices will fall as dramatically as the prices of conventional computers have over the last couple of years .
30 Irene moved even closer as the conversation took another turn .
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