Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Stealer loped slowly away as though injured , dodging from one steel column to the next .
2 One in Devon has 70 members and is carried on much as when it was founded in 1799 .
3 It had vanished as silently as if it had been only a figment of her imagination .
4 At the end of August the rains stopped as suddenly as if taps had been turned off September was considered by the English community even under normal conditions to be the most unhealthy month of the year ; while the hot sun resumed its office of drying out the pools of water which had collected on the sodden earth , fever-bearing mists and miasmas hung everywhere .
5 If they all have the same score then the decision to carry just one forward is arbitrary , or they must all be carried forward just as though a tree were being searched .
6 Sharing a single ice-cream , she and Rosie watched an ever-circulating stage army of lovers arm in arm , young and old , walking very fast as though to give the illusion of purpose .
7 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
8 There was ever-smiling Doctor Agrippa , hawk-visaged Carey , the thick coarsened face of Melford and , of course , Scawsby , his face sour as ever as if he had just broken wind and hoped no one would notice .
9 But when she arrived at Grittleton to find an illegitimate daughter living there just as though she was one of the family , Lady Caroline stormed out .
10 Turning up here as and when it suited him .
11 The evening was dropping like velvet and the lagoon was fading to a deep dusky richness in which the curving palms were reflected as cleanly as though the water were a dark-silvered looking-glass .
12 And run as straight as if they saw their way .
13 Robin-Anne nodded very earnestly as though she truly cared about my opinion , but her next question showed that she was paying no attention to my inanities .
14 And so it was as the " candidate " that he spoke to them , his accent so neutral by now that he could have come from anywhere and everywhere , his green broadcloth jacket still shabby but worn as jauntily as if it had been lined with ermine , his lean , dark face handsome enough to please the women and hard enough to reassure the men .
15 ‘ What shall we do this afternoon ? ’ he asked as casually as if they spent all their Wednesday afternoons together .
16 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
17 I have forgotten the ins and outs of it : all I remember is that we argued as passionately as if the national survival was at stake .
18 When he came to a stream or a fallen tree trunk , he would launch himself like a ballet dancer , but in slow motion , and land as softly as if his feet were scatter cushions .
19 Nicandra felt his hurt as absolutely as if she loved him : " Oh , Robert , Lal was so longing — you do understand ?
20 His wrinkled face creased more deeply as though he were smiling .
21 Mr Cedric Multhrop subsided into one of the comfortable armchairs in his lounge , then leapt up guiltily as though a mere hotel owner had no place to be sitting down in his guests ' domain .
22 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
23 Moments later her father answered the call , his voice coming as clearly as if he were in the same room , and even loudly enough for Silas to hear it .
24 So just go down there as and when they 're needed ?
25 Moreover , those techs were kneeling and bowing their heads — while the priest began to rant , his eyeballs rolling up whitely as though to stare inside his own skull .
26 If we play as well as that I do n't see why we ca n't finish them off .
27 Her garments were removed as swiftly as if she 'd done it herself .
28 If Day-Lewis is the movie 's greatest strength then its most noticeable defect is that it was shot by two different cinematog-raphers , often with the same scene lit very differently as if taking place at contrasting times of day .
29 The nature of a painter 's technique is never scrutinised so closely as when a work has just been cleaned , and at the heart of the exhibition will be eight of the fourteen Titians in the Louvre 's own collection that have just been freed of their treacly , dark varnishes and retouchings .
30 Then she said as casually as if the previous conversation had been trivial small talk which was already half forgotten : ‘ What about next Sunday ?
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