Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 ( It is , by the way , exactly the implicit reference to an extraction set that distinguishes English superlatives from forms considered broadly equivalent in some other languages , for instance those designated by the same term " superlative " in Latin . )
2 Washington was becoming more interested in some forms of nuclear co-operation .
3 It holds more true of some of us than of others , that in the struggle to make it new we are writing the same book all our lives ; and with Dostoevsky this truth is very true .
4 So far , there has been no review of the way in which the British procedures operate and what the consequences are should a pupil be wrongly failed at a particular level which employers may come to accept as appropriate for some jobs .
5 For a word to have a meaning is for there to be rules for its use : rules in virtue of which the application of the word can count as correct in some cases and incorrect in others .
6 NEW WBC champion Lennox Lewis may still be considered essentially Canadian in some boxing circles .
7 At the moment , the weather offerings will doubtless be considered too expensive by some individual pilots .
8 Interest rates will have to remain painfully high for some months , and departmental spending will be made to stay within the current planning totals : even the big-spending ministers recognise they are involved in bidding against each other , rather than against the Treasury .
9 Benefits were made less generous for some , but the major changes affected the tax structure .
10 All right , the Ardakkeans seemed fairly naive about some things , like crime .
11 I 'm sorry I have n't written since then , but I 've felt very confused about some things that happened with us and you did n't seem to want to say any more .
12 Antibacterial drugs , such as the sulphonamides , did not become generally available until some years later , and as in the case of erysipelas in Dr. Prior 's day , the only treatment consisted of isolation with adequate nursing care and hygiene .
13 This development has its opponents , but it does provide a way in which mathematics can become more meaningful to some of the children studying it .
14 While some detectors may run as normal for some time on cheap batteries , in other cases battery life will be ridiculously short leading the operator to conclude that a detector malfunction has occurred .
15 … But there were times , when they were alone in the house together — and even though the Rabbi might be in his own room teasing out a bissle Talmud — his attention would suddenly stray from the holy words and he would become uncomfortably aware of some dybbuk , some spirit of unhappiness , brooding in the kitchen .
16 And , yes , there are a couple of lines around the eyes , and a grey hair or twenty ( at least they 're all together in a neat bunch , not lurking about all over the place ) and the neck does n't look too good in some , particularly unflattering , lights , but then I do n't suppose yours would , either .
17 All these arguments , from people involved in different ways in the study of language , have weight , and should not be ridiculed or dismissed out of hand , as has become rather fashionable in some language teaching circles .
18 This is not as mawkish as it sounds largely due to some fine acting but Elenya is ultimately too slow and lacking in true tension and surprise to make it as special as its juvenile lead .
19 You come all the way to see our fine city with its many points of historical and civic interest , also many quaint customs , and you wake up dead in some back alley or as it might be floating down the Ankh , how are you going to tell all your friends what a great time you 're having ?
20 The idea that the Renaissance could be named , classified , described , and interpreted so that it was rendered readily comprehensible within some generalised scheme of the humanities was no longer a clearly defined process .
21 As this sounds vaguely similar to some of the insults being thrown at Ryan 's side , all hope is not lost .
22 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
23 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
24 Well a man is n't subject to moods or premenstrual tension a guy is n't going to phone in sick with some crap about cramps .
25 Of course , most of us feel more confident in some situations than in others .
26 When the adventurers enter , it is laid out ready for some kind of concert or performance .
27 I feel quite sorry for some of the airbase families , in fact .
28 This model of the company is one which has proved very attractive to some commentators .
29 I had planned the journey here to Salisbury with considerable care , avoiding almost entirely the major roads ; the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some , but then it was one that enabled me to take in a fair number of the sights recommended by Mrs J. Symons in her excellent volumes , and I must say I was well pleased with it .
30 However , expectations of a nirvana in mental health for visitors to the ‘ English Riviera ’ ( as the area is promoted for tourist purposes ) may have proved too great for some .
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