Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] have been " in BNC.

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1 He had not been eating properly and had been drinking more than usual .
2 L'Auberge expanded , necessitating the employment of Arnold , a young chef who took over most of the day-to-day running of the kitchen , and Olive , a restaurant manageress who , like almost all the waitresses , lived locally and had been trained on the job by George .
3 By the end of February all basic services had broken down or had been withdrawn and a mass evacuation of non-Bougainvilleans ( both foreigners and Papua New Guineans from other provinces ) was under way .
4 ‘ But he 's committed now and has been capped by Northern Ireland Under-18s .
5 Extraintestinal involvement in Crohn 's disease has been reported increasingly and has been described in the skin , vulva , bone , and lung .
6 Although many more ancient monuments and ruins existed than survive today , they were either thought of as relatively recent ruins or natural phenomena , or else they were explained away as having been made by gods or legendary heroes .
7 Will they assume that people engage in this ritual because they have always done so and have been conditioned into it ?
8 Our people deserve better than to have been treated like this , and the general quality of our society will not rapidly improve unless they are .
9 But Lambeth insisted last week it acted properly and had been backed by an SSI inquiry .
10 Silvicultural practices vary enormously and have been described by D M Smith ( 1986 ) and Lorimer ( 1982 ) .
11 The impact of the migrants has varied from country to country , but two areas which stand out as having been profoundly affected throughout the continent are housing and employment .
12 ( FCA ) of , having been found guilty of misconduct contrary to Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in Cardiff between 26 March 1991 and 4 February 1992 purported to exercise a lien over the papers of his former client when he was not entitled to do so and having been guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Cardiff between 22 May 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from Chartered Accountants in respect of the affairs of his former client and having been found guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in Cardiff between 17 December 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 17 December 1991 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning the affairs of his former client was reprimanded , fined £750 and ordered to pay £l , 000 by way of costs .
13 Clearly the Order was prepared in some haste , but it can not be brushed aside as having been made out of an excess of caution .
14 In contrast , all but one of the eighteen cottagers who had some common rights but no land in 1575 had disappeared altogether and had been replaced by others .
15 It was made , but it was also found to be known already and to have been patented in the USA , along with Sontochin , by Winthrop .
16 She seemed dressed for colder weather , in several layers of woollens and a heavy shawl ; dull colours , nothing gaudy , and her hair was pulled back and had been pinned in a clasp She followed as Angelica led the way toward the kitchen , careful not to hold the dead duck too close .
17 Ninety per cent of women who visit the clinic with hair loss problems are deficient in iron through dieting or simply because they are run down or have been ill .
18 Land worked on a co-operative basis in the controlled zones has either been expropriated from the large landowners who fled when the FMLN forces took over or has been donated by middle or small range campesino families .
19 Apart from performing the worst of all US football teams in 1990 , the team has amassed losses of $20m since Kiam took over and has been playing to 70 per cent capacity despite some improvement this season .
20 The car is 11 months old , spotlessly clean throughout and has been used as a staff vehicle by Renault UK .
21 On sites where there are no walls or other solid remains , those differences alone show the presence of archaeological features , such as pits and ditches that have silted up or have been filled in .
22 The main opposition Democratic Party ( DP ) and the Unification National Party ( UNP — formed in January 1992 ) both did better than had been expected .
23 He saved much that had been thrown away as rubbish , and would otherwise have perished without trace .
24 They have worked together and have been friends for some time .
25 The acting commander-in-chief of the KPNLF , Dien Del , said the fighting had continued overnight and had been ‘ more than 70 per cent successful ’ .
26 In theory , it should be easy to tell whether you have left voluntarily or have been dismissed .
27 It 's the same sort we had before that have been so good .
28 The shooting followed incidents over the last two or three weeks where the family 's other two cats have returned home and have been violently sick .
29 Three patiets were lost to follow up and have been excluded from the analysis of survival .
30 I also understand that one of the street lights in Lower Dolphinholme is burning continuously and has been like this for some time .
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