Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The order for discovery is often the point of no return for the plaintiff in a libel action : it is the stage at which some prefer to discontinue rather than to open their files .
2 After the fourth session of the Hague peace conference on Sept. 26 , attended by the Foreign Ministers of all the republics , Lord Carrington said that the ceasefire seemed to be holding sufficiently for the conference to carry on and to accelerate its work .
3 Because of the repayments that were made of borrowing during that period , in the midst of a recession we are now in a better position to borrow prudently — than we have been at any stage in the past : to borrow prudently and to maintain our commitment to a balanced budget in the medium term .
4 The rules of the Young Communist League were altered so as to widen its membership " not only to those who support its stated policy and aims , but also to those who , while not being actively hostile to its policy and aims , wish to study Socialism " .
5 The student may be able to stand back and to relativize his or her own learning .
6 Of course , there was some opportunity for students to work independently and to discuss their work problems .
7 Two of them ( the men , I mean ) became quite fond of John during the short time he was with them , and expressed much regret at his leaving , begging him to come again and to bring his gin , meaning his wife , with him . ’
8 Although all four strategies may be separated so as to discuss their major characteristics , in practice countries commonly adopt a combination of two or more types ; ( Murley , 1991 ; UN ECE , 1987 ) .
9 The most important factor is for the library system as a whole to be organized so as to achieve its primary purpose : that is , the provision of books and other materials , leading to the provision of information .
10 It is sad that he could not have been turned so as to face his favourite church .
11 For a few days the president agonized over whether to exercise his veto , but , in the end reluctantly signed what was now a Congressional rather than a presidential bill .
12 I assure the hon. Gentleman that we are fully aware of the difficulties of the business community and that we shall continue to listen carefully and to tailor our policies to its needs .
13 The West could do worse than to base its policy towards the Middle East on that aspiration .
14 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
15 Thus , the protagonists ' encounter with a postman who is too drunk to articulate properly or to deliver his letters , which he keeps dropping in the street , is one of a series of symbolic episodes expressing the generalized breakdown of communication in a country that has lost all sense of social cohesion .
16 When the initial grief of the desertion had passed she had known better than to mention her father 's name .
17 And he should have known better than to have his secretary type it .
18 Partnerships had enabled the use of community schools at Liphook and Bordon to be run so as to offer their facilities to the public throughout the year , and the new methods had reduced the inevitable deficit of the sports centre to well below the national average .
19 He stood up and walked to the window of the cold , cold room , putting aside with contempt his lifelong habit of arranging to be seated so as to hide his size when he was about to say anything that interested him .
20 Because we have been made children of God ; we carry the family likeness through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit ; we want to live so as to please our Heavenly Father ; and we enjoy his Fatherly protection and generous provision .
21 Greek images were also used by physiognomists and ethnologists when they began to create racist classification systems which placed the Greek profile as the highest development of humanity , above Jewish people with African peoples lower down the scale , represented so as to approximate their profiles with those of primates and apes at the bottom .
22 He looked from one to the other of their faces but knew better than to open his mouth .
23 She knew better than to ask her husband what this letter was about however , and awaited his reaction in the reserved , watchful way which she had found safest to adopt in her husband 's presence and which usually concealed more vehement feelings .
24 Ex-Eton schoolboy Jonathan Barton was bullied but unlike Charles , he knew better than to take his complaint to the headmaster .
25 They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority ; such bad manners would disgrace the clan .
26 Sam knew better than to interrupt her flow .
27 It was predictable whenever he was away from home — the stroll before bed — and they both knew better than to offer their company .
28 Before he finally lay down to rest and sleep he hesitated over whether to cross his small room again and close the window on the chilly night .
29 It would be possible and proper to provide aid for people who are especially disadvantaged by the changes — for example , the very small farmer in Portugal who wants to get out and to join his land to that of his neighbour .
30 But at the same time you will make it very beneficial for him to be more obedient , to ask nicely and to control his temper .
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