Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [be] the case " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps development of nursery education on a much greater scale , bigger scale than has hitherto been the case
2 Perhaps a development of nursery education on a much greater scale , bigger scale than has hitherto been the case
3 It has long been the case that the fact of winning is far more important than the manner of doing so , and since they have found a winning formula they have a powerful argument for keeping it , especially now that the financial rewards are considerable .
4 Or might the turmoil of schemes and unemployment be preparing youth more thoroughly ( as has long been the case in the USA ) for better adaptation to eventual permanent employment ?
5 This recognition of the " blurred roles " of teachers and librarians , and of the importance of providing opportunities for those who wish to gain an understanding of and professional accreditation in both professions , has long been the case at school level in the USA , where school librarians are generally required to have a proportion of undergraduate and graduate credits in both disciplines ( the regulations vary from state to state ) , and the education system has long been flexible enough to meet the need without the provision of special courses ( though this has its disadvantage in that some students may therefore miss the opportunity to make direct cross-disciplinary comparisons under academic supervision ) .
6 It has long been the case that where a company is would up by the court , the liquidation is deemed to commence at the date of presentation of the petition .
7 In a sense that has long been the case , since it has generally been supposed that turbulent flows are contained within a deterministic set of equations — the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .
8 In many agricultural projects this has not been the case .
9 This has not been the case with the LDDC , where a very extensive regenerative programme has characterized the corporation 's activities in an area of about 5,000 acres downstream of Tower Bridge ( see Figure 3 , p. xiii ) .
10 In 1992 that has not been the case , and I ca n't really tell you why .
11 If this has not been the case , it will be up to the individuals to explain the reasons behind this .
12 This has not been the case ; in fact most families have been pleased to know the diagnosis so early .
13 In practice , as Halsey , Heath and Ridge ( 1980 ) have recently shown , this has not been the case even for working-class boys .
14 This does not preclude the theoretical possibility of implementation in other technologies , such as fluidics ( see for example Gluskin , Jacoby , and Reader 1964 ) , although historically this has not been the case .
15 As we saw in Part II , this has not been the case with child language , where both comprehension and production have been extensively studied , with comparisons being made between the child 's spontaneous use and understanding of particular linguistic forms .
16 Is he aware that that has not been the case in large parts of the national health service , where food , cleaning and laundry services have been put out to competitive tender , and where , as a result , standards have often fallen far short of what they ought to be ?
17 This has not been the case so far this year with several results ’ , one of which is that ’ Government credibility has been severely tarnished , particularly with regard to perceived dedication to improved training . ’
18 At Twickenham , he is going to have to play a full part in a Scottish back-row who — which has not been the case for some years — will be having to cope with , in Dewi Morris and Stuart Barnes , not only a breaking scrum-half , but a running stand-off who attacks the gain-line .
19 The managing director , Roger Spence , said : ‘ It has been a different sort of recession as traditionally the view is that theatre and leisure areas do better than others , but that has not been the case .
20 The dual to the case of aligned fibres considered above is the case of aligned discs or plates , in which the normals to the plates lie in a preferred direction .
21 It has generally been the case that people who leave the DUP see their political careers terminated .
22 In some countries , at certain times , the consensus has been anti-inflationary : this has generally been the case in Germany , although the ‘ independent ’ Bundesbank has not prevented inflation being above 5% in eight of the last 20 years , quite apart from the monetary difficulties of German Monetary Union .
23 It could be anticipated that the college would have seen the creation of a continuous stream of books and papers generated by the rich source of material which pours through its gates , but this has hardly been the case .
24 There is an overwhelming body of evidence that British employers are more aware of the importance of training for their future than has ever been the case in the past .
25 Of course this has always been the case for all entrants , for there are only forty-three chief constables and the same number of deputies , so few have a chief officer 's truncheon in their knapsack ( to paraphrase an old army chestnut ) .
26 And this has always been the case .
27 That has always been the case in theory , but the new law removes any doubt .
28 In other words , the practical position with regard to liability in contract is tantamount to the joint and several liability which has always been the case in tort .
29 Ask why someone reports to so and so and you will receive the answer that ‘ it has always been the case ’ , or that ‘ she gets on better with X rather than Y ’ .
30 So we always this has always been the case for the four five hundred years that people have been doing etching , so they go by a rule of thumb .
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