Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [pron] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The site enables us to carry on our day to day business without interfering with the local community .
2 It all began when Wade was swimming with dolphins , imitating their movement in an undulation that began at the head and rippled along his body to his fins .
3 Its Pyrenean valley is known as the most fertile of all , thanks to the kindly work of the local glacier , which laid down its moraine to a depth and at an angle that produced grasslands of great repute .
4 She looked tall in her long white nightdress , her long dark hair hanging down her back to her waist .
5 The giant Anglo-Dutch company and BP each had a 50 per cent stake in the crucial exploration block , but Shell decided to scale down its share to 20 per cent before drilling started last summer .
6 Therefore we pray that a new spirit may be born in our midst this morning and that we may be carried on its tide to the work of national reconstruction .
7 Now Lauren is preparing to pass on her title to the 1992 Merseyside Businesswoman Of The Year .
8 In order to succeed in their desire to pass on their property to their children , men first introduced the rule of monogamy and thus brought about the first great change .
9 He later claimed that he initiated the demand for independence within one year : he asserted that he saw the Governor who promised to pass on his message to London .
10 He rather wished to pass on his experience to the rest of you , but felt that my column was a more appropriate medium for that purpose .
11 The right hon. Gentleman can not even be bothered to pass on his information to the Home Office or the police , yet he extrapolates from that that there is a massive amount of fraud and a refugee and immigration racket .
12 In 1912 he insisted , against opposition from the foreign ministry , that Prince Lichnowsky be appointed to the London embassy , saying " I send only my ambassador to London , who has my confidence , obeys my will , fulfills my orders with my instructions " .
13 Please send in your name to the office if you were in the 1955 or 1963 Wembley items or ‘ Fascinating Rhythms ’ at the Society 's 25th Anniversary at the Albert Hall .
14 Over the river , the banners glinted red over the fort , and the long line of its shadow began to creep down its rock to the east .
15 She then attached a long lunging rein which she had brought coiled over her shoulder to Midnight 's noseband .
16 No wonder the Omanis are cautious about opening up their country to foreigners , including tourists .
17 I 'm not opening up our file to you , Bill .
18 His tongue and lips and breathing rose up her body to her breasts , her neck , her shoulders , her ears , her stifling hair .
19 For while his victory certainly overturned the basic tenets of any horse race — he won because he was so far behind at the crucial moment — still he gained that victory by adapting to the circumstances which had suddenly presented themselves , by his jockey 's quick and skilful manoeuvring by his jockey , by jumping accurately and by keeping up his gallop to the end .
20 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send back your answer to the office by 7th June .
21 Before the result was announced , two deputies representing Taiwan stood up and shouted out their opposition to the £6 billion hydro-electric and flood control scheme , before storming out .
22 Vodaphone say they have carried out their duty to the letter of the law .
23 I think it was then I tried to work out her relationship to Gómez , but the complexity of it made it difficult to grasp .
24 ‘ The petitioners remark that ‘ the Royal Veterinary College of London is the private property of the subscribers thereto who may continue or close the same at their discretion ; that it is only from their desire to advance the veterinary art that they have allowed their institution to be employed as a College of instruction ; and that thereby the veterinary profession in this country owes even its existence to their establishment ’ .
25 In Stirling , Mr Michael Forsyth , the Scottish health and education minister and the foremost disciple of Thatcherism in Scotland , fought off the challenge to his wafer-thin majority of 548 to increase fractionally his majority to 703 .
26 Lose not your heart to the prince , child — he will wreak havoc with many a feminine heart , I doubt not , ere he reaches his majority .
27 In the matter of its lawsuit against Berkeley Software Design Inc for copyright infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets , Unix System Laboratories Inc has decided to file a petition for reconsideration with Judge Dickinson Debevoise before it goes over his head to the Circuit Court of Appeals .
28 In the matter of its lawsuit against Berkeley Software Design Inc for copyright infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets , Unix System Labs has decided to file a petition for reconsideration with Judge Dickinson Debevoise before it goes over his head to the Circuit Court of Appeals ( UX No 427 ) .
29 A trust left in the form ‘ I demand ’ or ‘ I desire that you give ’ is also valid ; and so is one ‘ I wish my estate to be Titius ' ’ or ‘ I know that you will make over my estate to Titius ’ .
30 The following had been written : ‘ I entrust to my sons that if one should die before the other leaving no children he should make over his share to his surviving brother ; but if both die childless I wish the whole estate to pass to my granddaughter Claudia . ’
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