Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Weber scurried to the ship 's blower , and shouted down it in fury , while Katze knelt below the shattered windowpane and took potshots at the dock with his Luger .
2 Nephew of John Moores , founder of the Littlewoods pools empire , he had had little to do with the business when he found suddenly himself in line to the throne .
3 I 'll let yer know in plenty of time , ’ Mary answered .
4 It is very useful , if you 're trying to write down something like accent , say northern accent , would be , but would sound in words like cook , there 's no way of really doing that unless you use phonetic transcription .
5 Icelandic weather is really buggering me about , I decide , and conditions are now near perfect except for the metre of soft snow that lies over everything in sight .
6 The music of this last flowering of Latin church composition in Britain , with all its often masterly workmanship and sheer beauty of sound , has hardly anything in common with contemporary Continental music .
7 ‘ I 've been told you 're unhurt , but I see you 've picked up plenty of gore .
8 Apart from the fact that the breakfast was bad and the service worse and that one or two police constables appeared to be taking their holidays in the hotel , they had picked up nothing of interest .
9 The hawk 's head would be bobbing and swivelling , trying to find out what on earth was going on .
10 But if a solicitor had made it and put three halves we could take an action against that solicitor or the executor could to erm for the costs of going to court to find out what on earth the will meant .
11 I want to find out something about smoking .
12 They stressed that at present no test is available which will predict accurately anyone at risk of a heart attack .
13 You 're you 're looking at the carbonate trying to work out what on earth goes on here what is the salt when you drop hydrochloric acid onto the carbonate .
14 As Charles put the phone down , he tried to work out what on earth a number-plate racket might be .
15 They could n't look more different from conventional modern sculptures — cold , remote shapes of shiny steel that clutter the entrance halls of Soho advertising agencies , while everyone tries to work out what on earth they are there for .
16 encouraged or put under pressure erm , I would think that with a lot more talking we might actually be able to work out something between surrogate mothers and nurturing mothers , they can do it with open adoption , other countries were learning how to do it .
17 He 's had an electric bill has n't he for god knows how much .
18 One of these schemes has already started and it has potentially lots of scope for our members ' work .
19 The technology of printing now has virtually nothing in common with the wooden presses and lead type of 15th-century pioneers like Johannes Gutenberg or Nicolas Jensen .
20 He is quite unable to understand that the political settlement of 1688 had little in common with what went before , that the post-1832 settlement had little in common with the 1688 settlement and that the political situation today has virtually nothing in common with the post-1832 settlement .
21 Cælum contains absolutely nothing of note .
22 I have been an avid reader since nursery school , and so find it very difficult to understand my headmaster husband when he dawdles over anything except travel brochures and restaurant menus !
23 When I had the children I put on lots of weight which I never really lost .
24 ‘ I put on lots of weight but I did n't weigh myself ever , and I did n't read any books .
25 The four-inch-wide gun slits let in plenty of light , although there were electric wall lights .
26 Of course there is no obligation to use the language of algebra in this way any more than there is to use the symbol x in solving problems involving quadratic equations : as mentioned earlier the Babylonians readily solved such problems writing down everything in longhand .
27 They spoke to lots of other Brownies , Guides and guiders over the radio and filled in lots of QSL cards .
28 Ampullaria glides along on the muscular foot , by means of muscular waves passing along its under surface .
29 So let so nothing in reality has changed , has it ?
30 Our Dry Cell Recharger project back in the September ‘ 91 issue stirred up plenty of interest amongst readers and the national press .
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