Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Yu-Chee Chong first held a sell-out exhibition of South-east Asia views in 1987 and has since painstakingly searched for comparable material , which , unlike the more readily accessible views of China , Hong Kong or India , are difficult to find .
2 Through increased consumption per capita , through the development of markets for refined sugar among Russia 's clients in Third World countries , and with assistance from other Communist countries Russia not only solved the problem of absorbing the portion of the Cuban crop formerly taken by the United States , but did so in the context both of a resumption after 1964 of the upward movement in its home production and of a contractual willingness to buy far more Cuban sugar than Castro has so far produced for the Russian market .
3 That recognised , its achievement is answer enough to the question why , given the attributes claimed for it , the place it has so far established for itself in the economy is still no more than marginal .
4 Both are clearly unsatisfactory , but a practical and popular alternative has not yet emerged for either .
5 General Motors , it seems , has not yet applied for the necessary US permision to conduct a similar exercise .
6 The college has not yet applied for an English Heritage grant , for which it would certainly be eligible .
7 There is an alternative to either of these courses which may be worth considering and that is that the Government should take the line that they have come to the conclusion that , while some restriction ought to be made in the infliction of the death penalty , the time has not yet come for its complete abolition .
8 these three are all very good defenders as mentioned in previous postings by me and all would have fitted fine at Leeds — but i feel that the jewel of the collection is Johnsen — he has speed and is extremely flexible — and he has not yet signed for Spurs — so he might still be in for a trial at Leeds .
9 The terms and conditions also address such grey areas such as what happens if the buyer has possession of a work , but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen ( the liability is the buyer 's ) , and the duty of such a buyer who has partially paid for a work , to store the work separately from his own goods , not to export it , to retain the seller 's identifying marks , and to allow the seller or his agent access to the work .
10 These time-budget studies , as they are known , reveal that the amount of time that housewives spend on housework has not significantly changed for several decades .
11 The company , Auspace Pty , has already successfully tendered for the second phase of the starlab project , starlab is a joint Australian , Canadian and American plan to launch an advanced space telescope aboard the shuttle in 1990 .
12 He has also repeatedly called for the Union Jack to be removed from Australia 's flag , but this is the first time that he has outlined a timetable for change .
13 It has emphatically not paid for the modernisation of the infrastructure , the renewal of ageing roads and sewers , schools and hospitals .
14 Germany as a country has n't really existed for very long , has it ?
15 ‘ The licensing authority has therefore not asked for the CSM 's advice on it ’ , Clarke told Jack Ashley in a written answer to a question ( which we had put to the DHSS three week earlier ) .
16 Course measuring , which has been one of the most important areas of work in road racing over the past few years , has certainly not suffered for want of funding . ’
17 So you think this vitiated all the economic planning that you 'd so carefully prepared for ?
18 Although his head was throbbing almost intolerably , he 'd felt sober enough to ring for breakfast in his room , and had done his best to contemplate the ‘ Full English ’ he 'd so foolishly ordered for 7 a.m .
19 ‘ Ever since I first started making you question all the things you 'd so happily taken for granted ? ’
20 I 'd only once asked for a transfer and not because of any discontent or fall- out with the club .
21 Thus the simple but overall goal is that children should grow up properly equipped for adult life .
22 It was small , but seemed surprisingly well stocked for a peasant 's shack .
23 During the nineteenth century it became more specifically recommended for consumptive patients — initially in Funchal itself and later , at the beginning of the twentieth century , at Monte , when the Monte Palace Hotel opened in a magnificent park .
24 Such adaptations grab our attention because the characters seem so well designed for the job they perform .
25 ‘ I 'm fine , ’ Philpott replied tersely then reached for his cane and got to his feet .
26 But as minister of finance under Zahedi he had become too well known for negotiating the new agreement with the oil companies , and so the Shah had exiled him to the Washington embassy .
27 Apes may well have produced new two-sign combinations that their trainers have been inclined to interpret as appropriately invented for some feature in the context .
28 Your aim should be to see that she does not suffer long periods of loneliness and that she feels so well cared for that she can manage to endure her period of sorrow without too many crutches , until life becomes worth living again .
29 He became quite well known for his extreme left-wing views and often aired them on rare visits home .
30 Her lot had not been a happy one : the husband whom she had only ever seen for a few precious weeks in all since their marriage had now left her a widow , without support and with a child and step-children to fend for .
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