Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They charged straight into the hall , leaving muddy trails from their shoes all across the new sports hall floor and , using their bags as improvised seating , proceeded to sit down still wrapped in their coats .
2 One day he set off for Barnard Castle to address a meeting , but got so hopelessly drunk on the journey he was unable to speak on his arrival .
3 In time , academic anthropology became less directly associated with evolutionary ideas , and it tried to establish itself as a respectable , if not conservative , branch of the social sciences .
4 In one patient symptoms became much less marked after one month but persisted to death at three months .
5 People throughout the world suddenly became much better informed about radiation hazards .
6 In earlier chapters we saw that manic-depressive conflict between ego and superego became much more marked with the introduction of agriculture and weaning , leading to the internalization of the primal , providential mother in phantasy because of her disappearance in reality , as symbolized , for instance , in the mother-goddess cult .
7 In the first case a woman is seeking compensation for the death in 1962 of her 10-month-old daughter from leukaemia ; the girl 's father worked as a fitter at Sellafield for nearly 30 years and has since also died of cancer .
8 Yu-Chee Chong first held a sell-out exhibition of South-east Asia views in 1987 and has since painstakingly searched for comparable material , which , unlike the more readily accessible views of China , Hong Kong or India , are difficult to find .
9 And no one who writes badly ever succeeded in doing that .
10 Hampshire who 's been er umpiring at point now trots back to square leg because the point area is becoming rather heavily populated at the moment with a very square gully and er an even squarer point , cover point .
11 Since then the Debenham Players has most definitely grown in size and support , the productions get better each time but still the members run the whole thing by themselves be it from costume making and lighting to front of house and stage construction .
12 It is the evaluators ' impression that the responsibility for producing agendas , convening and chairing meetings , and producing and circulating minutes has most often fallen to the Principal Adviser for Educational Resources and the ACL:E&SS but has remained throughout an area of uncertainty and indecision .
13 I think we tend to forget that we are willing to trust the Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , who in recent years has most usually doubled as the Chairman of the Conservative Party a very dubious appointment no doubt in the minds of many er of er your Lordships House .
14 Yet the market-led demand for foreign language courses , particularly in view of 1992 , has most certainly resulted in an increasing shortage of language tutors everywhere .
15 Attention has most recently focused on ensuring competition in regulated public sectors such as telecommunications , postal services , gas and electricity .
16 The phenomenon of certain mundane objects becoming so firmly associated with an individual that they are understood as literal extensions of that individual 's being was discussed in some detail by Levy-Bruhl ( 1966 : 100–27 ) .
17 It 's selling half a million snails every year , and they 're becoming so widely accepted as a food that they 're even being sold on the supermarket shelves .
18 One day it was decided we would take our dinner to eat in the nearby Botanical Gardens , and we staggered down there laden with dishes , plates etc. , Mary-Anne hiding under her coat from embarrassment in case she passed anyone she knew !
19 For such special knowledge holds the potential for an ethnographic interpretation of police culture which incorporates aspects of ‘ practical mastery ’ ( Bourdieu 1977 ) and to enlarge on what Kuper ( 1973 : 238 ) has somewhat critically dismissed as ‘ the prissy sterility of much of the methodological or reformist sociology ’ .
20 The sociological models described so far needed to be recast .
21 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
22 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
23 I brought in from my car the gastric lavage outfit I loved so well and which has so sadly disappeared from my life .
24 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
25 The task therefore observes the principal of human sense which Donaldson ( 1978 ) has so clearly brought to our attention .
26 It is a fitting conclusion that God , who has so clearly guided at every stage , should set his seal on the marriage in the deep love of Isaac for Rebekah .
27 However , his search for alternative employment has so far met with no success .
28 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
29 FORTNUM & Mason , the Piccadilly store which has so far shrugged off the effects of recession , yesterday warned that it will be difficult to maintain profits in the 12 months to July .
30 This country has so far gone in the opposite direction .
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