Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [pron] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her legs trembled so they would hardly carry her .
2 Walking alone I would never have made it .
3 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
4 I mean there 's a lot of voluntary organisations who are working in this field , I do n't know how you would just make sure you got them all .
5 I do n't know why it would suddenly start losing pressure .
6 Yet he feared they were like biting fish in a fine mesh net , if they swam forward they would never escape ; he saw them lifting their limbs with automatic motion , as crayfish with their lumbering claws knock against the basketwork of the pens in which they have been trapped .
7 Whenever we arranged to meet anywhere he would invariably let me down and his excuse was invariable too : ‘ I was taking shots for Surfing . ’
8 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
9 Once I had the basic colours put in I would then sometimes , for added intensity , dip the point of a certain colour into the water and apply it direct for a small intense spot of pigment .
10 The idealised version , by contrast , is peppered with sentences of Orientation which break up what would otherwise be almost continous Complicating Action .
11 I had planned to buy a flat with Geraldine but realized that if — no , when — John came back I would rather have a home all set up for him .
12 This was supposed to be a ‘ sensitive ’ job and if I came out I would automatically be adjudged a danger to the patients and given the elbow .
13 So by the time you came here it would mostly just be Tommy that was playing ?
14 If a list of modern poets suitable for children under 16 was prepared today it would probably include the popular animal and bird poems of Ted Hughes .
15 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
16 If culture were transmitted genetically it would scarcely be necessary to expend such time and energy training children : it would be so much easier !
17 ‘ Miers could not take the German prisoners on board his sub , and if he had left them to paddle ashore they would immediately have gone back into the German forces …
18 Good lord ! and but for his hand going up she would really have brained him this time , and then where would she have been ?
19 I also set up snares and trip-wires linked to glass bottles in the grass on the dunes over the creek , so that if anybody tried to sneak up they would either catch themselves or snag the wire , pulling the bottle out of its hole in the sand and down on to a stone .
20 Even if Lindsey 's not going out I would rather go out .
21 And if he did n't do that she could n't possibly see how they would ever see eye to eye .
22 ‘ But I do n't see how anything would ever get done .
23 Short of actually achieving this , it is hard to imagine how we would then perceive social relations , and what sort of responses would seem appropriate to the actions of others .
24 If they appeared likely to do so he would then map out a strategy and advise students or co-workers on how to refine them and carry them through to fulfilment .
25 Before proceeding further it would perhaps be as well to dispel one or two myths .
26 Oh yes , if everybody would have stayed out they would never had a scrap of slate made there , everybody would have stayed out and stayed out till the end , and not a scrap of slate would have been made there .
27 But if I had called out you would then have heard me across the stones .
28 Trying to find her way back out was obviously a nonstarter but staying here she would probably be spotted fairly quickly .
29 Remember how you would gladly have given your life to have saved his or hers ?
30 A voluntary mental patient may , if able to do so without assistance needed by reason of mental illness , made a declaration stating where he would otherwise be residing , or has resided , and be registered there .
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