Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sticking on with a little royal icing or glue , wrap the strip carefully around the edge of the roof , scalloped edge upwards .
2 But , in the language of social anthropology , " kinship " has very little to do with biology ; it refers rather to a widely ramifying pattern of named relationships which link together the individual members of a social system in a network .
3 Afraid that she might have hurt Nora , who was sitting very quietly , Louise added , ‘ Of course , she 'll miss you but I do think she could stay on for a little longer , to see what might happen . ’
4 However , at the end of the film , the car driven by Mark ( Sean Connery ) drives right down to the end of the road , and instead of falling into the ( non-existent ) harbour , turns right into a previously unsuspected street or quay along its edge and disappears from view .
5 It seemed to go on for a very long time .
6 The revenue obtained a huge sum of money which they had no right to demand and they are now hanging on to a very large amount of interest which they have no moral right to retain .
7 Well you see I sit down on a I sit down on a fairly regular basis with now and try to give her direction and er point out , and I do make the point , about every time and , right ?
8 Doug Wimbish started playing harmonics on that funny Guild bass ( the rubber-stringed Ashbory model — Ed ) and I got down to a really quiet moment , and suddenly Phil just surprised the hell out of us with this keyboard patch !
9 It seems that girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image while the common masculine-sounding names for boy babies , like Richard , David , James and Alexander , would ostensibly give a boy fewer problems than Tarquin or Marmaduke .
10 Thus , " in shells of N.lapillus var. imbricata the external sculpturing consists of a series of lamellar corrugations laid down in a fairly regular sequence parallel to the growing edge of the shell which , where they overlap the spiral ridges , are raised to form thin vaulted scales " ( Largen , 1971 ) .
11 Dirk Coetzee did n't have to wait long for a really big job .
12 Mix well , then bind together with a little beaten egg .
13 In true pilgrim tradition we prayed and did penance together and we also took our recreation together and we also took our recreation together and so on Wednesday evening we met together for a very happy celebration .
14 This does not mean that national history and culture will not bulk large in the educational systems of particular countries , especially the smaller ones , or that they may not flourish locally within a much broader supranational framework as , say , Catalan culture today flourishes , but on the tacit assumption that it is Catalans who will communicate with the rest of the world through Spanish and English , since few non-residents in Catalonia will be able to communicate in the local language .
15 In fact , ’ said Owen , his mind beginning to stray on to a quite different tack , ‘ you 're altogether extraordinary — ’
16 Years of irresponsible budgets have obliged America 's fiscal policy to work perversely at a particularly awkward moment .
17 Satisfied with this flimsy explanation for the time being , she moved on to a more intimate subject : herself .
18 However , as soon as they moved on to a more public and active presentation of their demands then councillors condemned this activity , the demands themselves were ignored , and the groups were held up to public ridicule as a threat to democracy and the general interest .
19 In Europe we have to strike a balance between the needs of the audience in the hall and the requirement to communicate effectively to a far larger audience through television .
20 Stronger subject and technical background and training are important for these new information staff , as well as the ability to work effectively in a more fluid organisational environment .
21 Business was carried on at a rather more sedate pace , lunches were longer and boozier and I was far , far happier .
22 It was looked on as a very serious offence .
23 I am going to vote against the motion , I 'm disappointed with the liberal group not come in with a more constructive amendment or even a proposal , as I would say asked you to do .
24 At its most conventional , the use of word pairs is a substitute for creative poetic activity , whereas the parallelism of greater precision is a subtle relationship between or among the lines of poetry that can only be designed in by a relatively sophisticated artist .
25 The whole enterprise is carried through with panache and — apart from the fact that it clocks in at a rather miserly total of only 52 minutes — the disc can be thoroughly recommended to anyone who wants a well-chosen selection of G&S numbers .
26 A group of 25 communicators , sociologists and people from the religious communities of North America and Asia have agreed on specific plans to work together for a more just global communication environment .
27 As though to underline her thoughts , and reverting suddenly to a much earlier observation , he said : ‘ Do all the women in your time wear next to nothing ? ’
28 It is as though , in literary terms , the peasant world , defined by neo-realism , and the disembodied , technocratic environments of the neo-avant-garde had been lifted out of their historical context and plastered together in a sharply disjunctive collage .
29 Should the judges take it into their heads to question this ‘ authority ’ ( as occasionally they have ) then much of it is not too difficult to discount , as being obiter dicta , or as relating only to a rather narrow , specific point , ( e.g. the effect of a fraud on the Private Bills Committee of the House of Commons ) and leaving untouched the broader general question .
30 Clive expressed his distrust and fear of being let down by a very detached attitude in all his relationships .
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