Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The title sits uneasily on a place which is , for very good reasons , unsure of its own identity .
2 The National Curriculum sections of the ERA , essentially centralising and directive in character , sit uneasily with a variety of other arrangements which undermine the Local Education Authority as intermediary between centre ( DES ) and periphery ( school ) : ‘ opting out ’ , City Technology Colleges ( CTCs ) , open enrolment , local management of schools ( LMS ) .
3 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
4 He called out : ‘ I ca n't hold on any longer , ’ then fell straight on the ledge below , bounded out into the air , turning a somersault backwards , and pitching on to a grass projection some 30′ lower down …
5 For comparison , omeprazole given subcutaneously at a dose of 30 mg/kg resulted in almost complete inhibition of acid output ( 12 ( 2 ) µmol/30 minutes ) and pepsin output ( 0.15 ( 0.04 ) mg/30 minutes ) .
6 This study shows that the long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201–995 given subcutaneously in a dose of 25 µg three times daily can abolish hypergastrinaemia induced by five days ' treatment with omeprazole ( 40 mg once daily in man .
7 Leaving Sagaing for our return journey by boat to Prome we got on to a sandbank and had to wait there until two tugs pulled us off .
8 ‘ I got on to a friend in Civitavecchia who seems to think that some mate of his saw Jeff this morning down at the harbour . ’
9 Conversation , not only on that day , got on to An Adventure and would not easily get off it , though we wished to be speaking of other things .
10 Well George got on with a lot of people like that but of course , he was a Mason you see .
11 When he got on as a substitute against Sweden he was first class ; in Albania he was one of our best players . ’
12 English-born , actually , and we got on like a house on fire .
13 They got on like a house on fire and did n't stop talking afterwards — it was Julian and Robert who wound each other up .
14 We got on like a house on fire .
15 Gav and my Aunt Janice got on like a house on fire , a combined location and fate I occasionally wished on them as I lay awake listening to the sounds of their love-making , a pastime I sometimes suspected I shared with people in a large part of the surrounding community , not to say northern Europe .
16 If you have a modem you can log on to a bulletin board and download it .
17 A hole saw looks like a hacksaw blade curled into a circle and fits on to a twist drill ( typically 6mm ) and can be used with an electric drill .
18 On the contrary , it was precisely the excessive femininity , laid on with a trowel as it were , that created the effect of someone pretending to be a woman , someone in fact rather desperately hoping to be taken for one .
19 Maid service can normally be arranged locally at a supplement .
20 Josie glanced at the old folding travel alarm that she kept open on the makeup table , and said , ‘ I have to go somewhere for a minute .
21 Well , you could have put that scene he made on at a theatre in the West End and charged for tickets , I reckon .
22 The problem can arise acutely in a situation where Y takes goods from X on ‘ sale or return ’ terms .
23 It will be treated rather as a set of conditions relating to the sale of goods or the supply of work and materials for the purposes of the comparative analysis carried out in this chapter .
24 My candle had fallen on to a Bible on the shelf and was burning it .
25 But the car lived on as a classic .
26 In Bath , Nicholas Godfrey , 16 , was plucked to safety from the swollen River Avon as he clung on to a branch .
27 However , they clung on to a victory which served to rekindle hopes among the travelling support that all was not lost after all in the title race , especially after news leaked through of Rangers ' demise at Celtic Park .
28 A hand feeling blindly for throat or arm or hair landed in the middle of Gabriel 's face , and Garvey 's fingers clung on like a starfish , pressing it out of shape .
29 Seconds later they were off again , and she shut her eyes tight , pressed her cheek against his back and clung on like a limpet .
30 From the safety angle , the Bosch tacker will not fire if picked up by the trigger — the nose must be pressed on to a surface for firing .
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