Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 Eliot goes on to wish for a combination of religious , anthropological , and neurological knowledge as exemplified by Rome , Cambridge , and Harley Street .
2 Then , as he goes on listening for a few weeks , looking carefully at ever-new pictures of different cases , a tentative understanding will dawn on him ; he will gradually forget about the ribs and begin to see the lungs .
3 ‘ Folly , I do n't want you to go on looking for a place of your own .
4 It also allows the police and Customs to permit accountants to go on acting for a client after they have disclosed suspicious activity to them .
5 After a while I sat down in a secret place by the Cherwell and fell to musing about how I had once myself aspired to Oxford , how one of my lecturers at Edinburgh had urged me to go on to read for a B.Litt. there , but of course the war had put an end to any such ambitions .
6 A bumpy ride : Major flies in to fight for a key marginal .
7 ( i ) where the specified event happens in respect of a member , any share registered in his name may , notwithstanding paragraph ( 1 ) of this Rule , remain so registered for a period of not longer than six months from the date of the specified event ; provided that no voting rights shall be exercised in respect of any such share while it remains so registered ; and
8 ( i ) where the specified event happens in respect of a member , any share registered in his name may , notwithstanding paragraph ( 1 ) of this Rule , remain so registered for a period of not longer than six months from the date of the specified event ; provided that no voting rights shall be exercised in respect of any such share while it remains so registered ; and
9 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
10 If , as happened very occasionally — for instance in the great boom of 1872–3 — some workers actually earned enough to afford for a brief moment the luxuries which employers regarded as their right , indignation was sincere and heartfelt .
11 That threat , she said , was the reason why interested parties had come together to work for an improvement .
12 This has not made for a smoothly running society , whose members all feel part of a common enterprise .
13 Griffiths , who has not played for a month because of a rib injury , watched Cardiff overwhelm London Welsh on Saturday and is expected to train with the club next week .
14 Andersson has not played for a month but trained with United for the first time yesterday and made an instant impression .
15 ‘ She has not spoken for a month .
16 The difference between the French and English approaches to making mustard , technology apart , has not changed for a century .
17 This seems to be the view of Lord Donaldson , that truly sagacious Master of the Rolls , who has just called for a new corps of paralegal ‘ civil justices ’ to get people like me off the hook .
18 The CSIRO has just applied for a worldwide patent for its use as a fumigant .
19 The waif-like screen star , who in recent years has devoted her energies to helping the world 's starving children , has just pleaded for a week of peace in Bosnia to enable food to get through to the children there .
20 The US has already called for a ‘ war crimes ’ investigation into reports of atrocities .
21 He has already asked for a return match and when I have had a rest I shall try to accommodate him . ’
22 The family has already asked for an investigation into her death by officials at Winterton psychiatric hospital , Sedgefield , from which she was discharged for weekend leave a day before she died on Sunday .
23 Hereford and Worcester has already voted for a similar ban , Northamptonshire 's decision only has to go to the full council , and Gloucestershire votes next week .
24 ESA has already paid for a launch on Ariane , but it can transfer this money to cover the launch of the Giotto mission to Halley 's comet in 1985 .
25 He has also called for an election to a constituent assembly to be held within two months , to restore ‘ institutional democracy … as soon as possible . ’
26 David Barnes , who joined the board in 1986 and is the only obvious successor to Sir Denys , has also argued for a different approach .
27 And he has also argued for a tougher approach to environmental enforcement and development of environmental technology .
28 Tony Prosser ( Prosser , 1982 ) meanwhile has also argued for a new critical and objective theory of public law , in his case derived from Habermas 's work on communicative competence .
29 He has also worked for a period , several years ago with the dye house production control at Templetons .
30 In the US , the National Resources Defense Council has also petitioned for a faster phase-out of ozone depleters , calling for the CFC deadline to be moved from 2000 to 1995 , a 1993 ban on production of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide , and a 2005 ban of HCFCs which are not yet included in the protocol .
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