Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Good separation is only achieved if the flask is heated slowly to allow time for the equilibria to become established .
2 Go straight uphill in second field , initially with right edge and the barn 100 yds away ; the route finally veers right to leave field by far right-hand corner .
3 Or if the horse has been jabbed in the mouth when it is being mounted , it goes on expecting pain in the mouth whenever it is mounted .
4 However , Miller goes on to cast doubt on the status of such individualist explanations when he suggests that holist explanations are the stuff of social science , whereas individualist ones are something else .
5 From this initial thought the sociologist goes on to consider baptism as a ‘ rite of passage ’ and scans the library in both the sociology and the social anthropology sections for previous writings which will give more information about baptism in other cultures and also about the significance of rites of passage in both primitive and advanced societies .
6 John Lyons , for instance , while complaining that ‘ much linguistic theorising is vitiated by the uncritical transference by linguists and philosophers of attitudes which derive from the cultural peculiarities of English and a few other so-called world languages ’ ( 1982 ) , himself goes on to rest part of his view of literacy , implicitly , on exactly such ‘ cultural peculiarities ’ of written English .
7 The chapter on molecular modelling dismisses much of three dimensional molecular visualisation with the comment , ‘ Besides the trivial operation of rotating the whole structure or selected substructures around a given bond ’ , and goes on to discuss comparison of molecular structures .
8 The dose of tritiated thymidine used here , which is somewhat higher than that used by many other investigators , produces clear cut labelling of S-phase muclei with numerous black grains against a negligible background .
9 WHW turns right to leave river after 500 yds ( waymark ) , turning left 300 yds later at T-junction ( waymarked ) .
10 The Celts would have been allowed to go on collecting mistletoe in their forests .
11 Why are they allowing the ratepayers and taxpayers of this country to go on throwing money down the drain ?
12 One can not really believe that the whole of the world is going to go on maximizing production of agricultural produce , when — I much is already destined to end up as mountains of grain , or butter , or meat — or lakes of wine or olive oil .
13 The upward spiral on which film budgets were set suggests that Rank might have had to go on losing money for a long time before hitting on a way to achieve a steady supply of sellable films .
14 And containing it is extremely expensive and I personally feel that it 's wrong to expect the community at large to go on paying week after week , month after month , year after year er in order to contain a problem which through no fault of its own belongs to the soccer .
15 Usually it 's fine to go on making love during your pregnancy .
16 Anselm , St ( 1033–1109 ) Born the son of a Lombard landowner , Anselm eventually became Archbishop of Canterbury in England .
17 Most of them will go : the communal celebration draws them , they need to gather together to bid farewell to the 1970s , they need to reinforce their own expectations by witnessing those of others , by observing who is in , who is out , who is up , who is down .
18 Rivers only roll along to brighten up the landscape , and cattle graze only to give life to his drawings .
19 By the end of the '70s many elements were fusing together making change in the way schools were run inevitable .
20 In the first place , it was quite useless to preach ready made doctrine to them .
21 A soapy enema was given daily to avoid accumulation of faeces .
22 Entrenched positions may be established easily between the two with the result that claims are prepared and argued merely to prevent loss of face when in reality the matter could and should have been settled by discussion on site when the problems arose .
23 Braid apparently started work in February 1907 .
24 Statistical analysis also developed apace making use of statistical theories which had their origins earlier in the century in the work of Pearson especially .
25 It may also be that whereas the British kings intended to replace Oswiu with a more acceptable candidate , Penda sought only to reduce Oswiu to the status of a dependant and at the same time effectively to establish territories such as Lindsey as falling within a southumbrian Mercian orbit .
26 In the same year , most of the county councils within the Severn-Trent region were carrying out some agricultural land-drainage work , and private farmers , even without drainage grants , were bringing in dredging machinery on rivers , to get water off their land .
27 Raft , n , an improvised float of planks fastened together to give support on water .
28 All original records on anal cancers coded according to a modified version of the seventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases ( ICD7 ) from 1943 to 1977 were examined manually to avoid inclusion of adenocarcinomas ( n=47 ) and melanomas ( n=19 ) .
29 The first stage , of direct military rule , sought merely to suppress opposition to Japanese control — a short-lived republic was declared in 1895 — and wipe out the widespread banditry and disturbances which had long plagued the island under Chinese rule .
30 Instead of banning corporal punishment outright , however , it sought merely to give effect to the Court 's ruling .
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