Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She would see Mama and Papa again soon , they were coming over well before the wedding , and what bliss to greet them as the future Marchioness of Blaine , beautiful blond Havvie by her side , eager to meet them — or so he publicly said — his private comments were somewhat different — more to the effect that he could swallow Sally-Anne and her dollars , but her parvenu papa was quite another thing !
2 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
3 They may put the blame entirely on the teenagers for failing to respond to their advice or orders as they once did , but the fault may be theirs for failing to treat them as the young adults they have now become .
4 The Parquet had existed , he thought , since at least 1883 when a reforming Minister of Justice had unearthed in his office some Arabic translations of parts of the French Code Napoleon and promulgated them as the new Egyptian legal system .
5 If mothers receive a benefit which they are expected and indeed do spend to service the needs of their families , then this re-confirms them as the day-to-day managers of household finances , which for millions of women is not only a chore but also a source of considerable anxiety ( McClelland , 1982 ) .
6 Because the majority of college lecturers are probably afraid that they might lose their students if they abandoned lectures whilst the rest of their colleagues retained them as the primary teaching method .
7 They might describe them as the unsettled ‘ shells ’ of the dead .
8 In the years that followed , the German bourgeoisie gained considerable economic and industrial power , but did not struggle against the Junkers since they regarded them as the very backbone of German society ; the Junkers , even though they were already ‘ pensioners of economic history ’ were a convenient rallying point for Völkisch opinion and as such had no particular reason to adapt to the changing economic structure of Europe or Germany .
9 The Junkers tolerated the troublesome middle classes only because they guaranteed the Junkers their place in German society ; the middle classes looked up to the Junker traditional leadership , and regarded them as the German image of itself .
10 The January price rises [ see p. 38730-31 ] had been higher than expected and painful , but he described them as the logical conclusions of the policies of Soviet Prime Ministers Nikolai Ryzhkov and Valentin Pavlov .
11 Jesus releases us from this addiction by revealing himself as the willing servant , humbled to the point of death , submitting his will to the will of God .
12 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
13 On the set , Dustin cast himself as the sensible person , whereas Mia was busy ‘ talking to the spirit of Mozart ’ , perhaps under the influence of André Previn ( still married to Dory Previn ) , the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra , with whom she had recently fallen in love .
14 Relations between the two countries had grown tense during the months prior to the Iraqi invasion as Saddam moved to establish himself as the dominant Arab nationalist leader [ see pp. 37390 ; 37472 ] .
15 He described himself as the sinful Messiah .
16 I 'm representing you as the consultative .
17 The Bulgarian Social Democrat Party ( BSDP ) had originally called itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party , but redesignated itself as the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party ( non-Marxist ) , at its first national conference held on March 31 in Sofia , thereby ceding the BSP name to be adopted by the BCP [ see p. 37380 ] .
18 Within the Rolling Stone thing , I mean , part of it has you as the chief designer and you have to accept the notion that two heads are better than one , which means designers can not
19 As a result of the infection , the small blood-vessels supplying the skin become blocked and the resulting diminution of the blood-supply leads to local death of tissue , which manifests itself as the primary chancre .
20 The elder has been in Normandy for four years now , Stephen can hardly count him as the staunch supporter he used to be . ’
21 I rated him as the best British droll comedian we had .
22 Yesterday , sentencing Ferguson , Sheriff Colin MacKay described him as the prime mover .
23 Like Richter and Tatyana Nikolaieva , I seen him as the founding father of all true musical quality , a composer far removed from conventional notions of sobriety , academicism or dryness .
24 When Pauline Kael reviewed him as the bloated Jake La Motta in Raging Bull , she said that what De Niro was doing was certainly something , but she 'd hesitate to call it acting .
25 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
26 ‘ I have sometimes thought that more might be done than is commonly attempted in education to familiarise the idea of death to the minds of children by representing it as the grand event for which they were born ; and thus making a future state the object of their chief interest and ambition .
27 By the latter half of the century , the majority of books on child care — which were enjoying a tremendous popularity — strongly recommended breast-feeding and described it as the normal practice ( Fildes 1980 ) .
28 A vet described it as the worse case of neglect he 'd ever seen .
29 Joyce , who had experienced more than her fair share of personal sorrow , described it as the saddest day of her life .
30 It cost £300,000 to build , a vast sum for the time , and Murray 's Handbook for Travellers in India , Burma , and Ceylon , with typical travel-guide hyperbole , described it as the finest railway station in India or any country .
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