Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] had [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Peter Prescott QC told a packed London court that Silvertone had taken a ‘ big risk ’ signing the band in 1988 and that attempts to poach them had only occurred after the label had played its part in engineering their success .
2 By the time we met I had almost reached The Old Castle Inn at Old Sarum and good old Dad bought me the largest ginger beer I 've ever had .
3 I realized I had never known any other world apart from Lowood or Gateshead .
4 No , I do n't think I had even taken any A levels when I left school . ’
5 I do n't think I had ever run in such marvellous conditions .
6 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
7 Well , it must have been my day as with half an hour to go I had just got to the end of my swim when the float buried and the elastic shot out .
8 He realised I had finally caught him …
9 About4 weeks ago I realised I had only put this in the hallway after the title season , and promptly took it down .
10 Sometime during the night , I was woken by my cold feet , a warm weight on my chest and the loudest purr I had ever heard .
11 At Frankfurt Airport I found I had just missed one plane to London and there was not another for three hours .
12 Some of the words he used I had never heard of — and I am not unfamiliar with words — but he savoured them , rolled them over his tongue and finally ejected them into his speech with a delight at their novelty , their colour and their music .
13 He was about to make an attempt to steer the conversation back to Heather 's visit in August when , in a sudden rush , Mrs Diamond reached the limit of her reticence and revealed what he did not doubt she had also revealed to Heather .
14 Her fingers began to move over the sheet of paper , but when she had finished drawing the circle of standing stones , she found she had also sketched in the figure of Julius .
15 A few folk went to his place before sunrise yesterday , just to let him know he had better have no hand in the lists .
16 During one of his Somerset visits he had already discovered Adscombe , a hamlet of Over Stowey parish not far from Tom Poole 's cousins at Marshmills .
17 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
18 The blood which flowed in his veins meant that , as well as expressing his emotions with the dramatic use of his hands , Vitor d'Arcos was a proud man — and she doubted he had ever begged anyone for anything in his entire life .
19 However , when he neared the blank concrete wall , he saw an opening to his right and found he had merely reached a ninety degree turn , round which the tunnel still stretched as far as his torch beam could reach .
20 And then , of course , I woke up and I dutifully read my papers … to discover it had actually happened .
21 If it might benefit Kirsty for him to know what had really happened between herself and Ryan , would she be justified in breaking her promise ?
22 I wanted to know why she thought I would be the least bit interested in all that drivel I had just had to sit through .
23 The Maggot assumed I had already known that .
24 Then started the discussion about where to store it until the inevitable happened , during the course of which the doorbell rang and an elderly neighbour was revealed who had kindly called to introduce himself and to ask if there was anything he could do to help me , as he had heard my husband was ill in hospital .
25 Finally , a protest from a woman who says she had just finished Helen Bullock 's ‘ oh-so-true ’ article when her husband came in and said : ’ ‘ There seems to be a bit of toast on the floor in the other room ’ .
26 And was n't it just the best meatloaf you had ever tasted ? ’
27 Some of her happiest hours were passed in making these costumes and she found that time flew by — it seemed she had barely started before her mother was calling for her to have her bath and go to bed .
28 After a few minutes ' walk it seemed she had truly left the hamlet of Pook 's Common behind .
29 She was as much a part of this murky landscape now as if she had been born here , every step of the way between Miss Gemma Dallam 's cloistered corner and her own — in spirit a universe apart — being so familiar to her that it seemed she had always known them , or had known them before , in another place , a dozen other places ; another life .
30 I had never suspected she had ever loved any man but Simon Ellis and I knew she could not have been referring to him since she had never spoken of him without affection and great kindness .
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