Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] by [art] time " in BNC.

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1 We judge ourselves by the time from call-out to getting the problem fixed which is an average of 63 minutes , ’ he said .
2 Erm , I can never remember the name of it and I , I , and I forget it by the time I get home , but , the name of the castle that is .
3 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
4 He 'd just about made it by the time Private Boyd had strapped my gun belt on and issued me with a plastic face visor which fitted with adjustable straps at the back .
5 Yeah but you see the thing is that if I come and meet you by the time you no point .
6 You 'll believe it by the time you leave here — ’
7 Well I think if that was me I 'd have that done now in case you do n't like it by the time you you get married and that could be growing again .
8 I 'll suspect get it by the time they go
9 Improvements in firms ' procedures were deemed necessary in many of the firms the Joint Monitoring Unit ( JMU ) visited , but in many cases firms were already implementing them by the time of our visits .
10 If mail did not reach them by the time of their discharge from care , it was not intentional .
11 Unfortunately there is a confounding factor of experience in this : the earlier sign has been learned the more experience one is likely to have had in using it by the time the sign language testing occurs .
12 Er had they by the time you were still at school come on to that new erm er system where you speak a lot more ?
13 He discovered that two Spitfires from 602 Squadron had actually met the ME110 head on — quite fortuitously — but it had been going so fast they had lost it by the time they 'd turned around .
14 I should 've learnt everything by the time I was thirty , not wait until I was in me forties .
15 She 'd overcome it by the time she was eighteen but it still surfaced when she got excited about something . ’
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