Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [was/were] the good " in BNC.

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1 People say they were the good old days , but oh I do n't think .
2 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
3 Loving you was the best thing that ever happened to me : I could never go with anyone else .
4 ‘ I 've always said you were the best blacksmith I ever had . ’
5 Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances .
6 Lewis contented himself with saying that it was the race that would decide who was the best .
7 He said : ‘ I still maintain we were the best team in the tournament until injuries caught up with us .
8 ‘ The right hook that finished him was the best body punch I 've ever thrown ’ said Damien with the air of a winner .
9 I figured it was the best way to keep the interaction between the guitar and the lyrics , which is the whole point for me .
10 And they reckon it was the best class of of er Douglas fir they ever had .
11 As I think you will agree when you have looked at all the evidence it may well not have been quite so simple in this case to determine what was the best for the girl , as we , looking back on events from this point in time , may think .
12 As I make my way through my lecture tours overseas I am frequently asked who was the best , and I have to evade a proper answer because each group had its Gibsons , but at different times .
13 When she was kind to me I thought she was the best person in the world , but she did not always have time for me .
14 We started a bit shaky , and took a while to adjust , but in the end we could have added to our tally , by which time I felt we were the better side . ’
15 ‘ And while we felt we were the best team in England , we were killed by our own success .
16 We played magnificently and I thought we were the better side . ’
17 Brugge coach Hugo Broos bemoaned Nisbet 's goal and said : ‘ I thought we were the better team . ’
18 Like any good manager Donald Wilson chose David Whitaker to story edit Doctor Who because he felt he was the best man for the job .
19 ‘ I went away and left him ’ , now even if they went , went away and left and , because they had to bring the children home , or if they went away and left him because they knew it was the best thing for everyone concerned , because the foreign office wants as many people , we all need as many people to get out of the area as possible ; their guilt will be huge .
20 Children would normally go to London when they ran away from home , because they thought it was the best place to go to get a job , and where they could sleep easily .
21 And as they run in er and I always thought it was the best of the show .
22 But he insisted it was the best way to banish the bitterness of the recent past .
23 She regarded him suspiciously , and realised it was the best he was going to do for her .
24 Yet he realized it was the best he was likely to get from Nora and that , on balance , he would do well to think of it as ‘ Nora 's apology , ’ accept it as such , and hope that these aberrations in her behaviour would die away .
25 After drinking with a friend , Mr. Clarkson , in 1803 , he declares it was the best time he had had since he came into Westmorland .
26 John Heminges said I was the best properties man in the city .
27 But the managers I played for all said I was the best professional .
28 Everybody said you were the best .
29 ‘ I think we 've had a break-in , ’ I said , thinking it was the best story to push and concentrating on pulling up my jeans .
30 ‘ I ca n't believe what 's happened today , but I have to say it was the best 45 minutes I 've had since coming back , ’ he smiled .
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