Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You have taught me to forget myself by demeaning yourself to be free to a poor servant .
2 yeah cos David 's , oh do you want me to put it in the van ?
3 ‘ Do you want me to oxygenate it for you ? in he asked , ‘ I know what I 'm doing , I 've kept fish for ten years.in He waited for my look of amazement at his expertise .
4 Do you want me to watch him for you ? ’
5 Do you want me to take you in the jeep ?
6 Do you want me to spread it for you ?
7 Well and do you want me to do one for this year ?
8 Do you want me to do anything for you ?
9 Yes , do you want me to do it for you ?
10 Do you want me to do it by doing the graph or
11 ‘ You do n't want me to know anything about you , so why should you want to know anything about me ? ’
12 D' you want me to get it for you ?
13 Talking of work , I 'd better go and do the moules marinières — or do you want me to tell you about the exhibition ?
14 Do you want me to read it to you ?
15 Do you want me to read it to you ?
16 ‘ I 'm sure you do n't want me to suspect you of cowardice ? ’
17 And as I said , you can use these techniques with your team , or you can adapt them to use them on your own , because you do n't always have somebody to help you .
18 drives me to place myself inside it .
19 I was , after all , living with a man who was stealing from me , keeping part of his life secret from me , who expected me to adapt myself to his obsessive timekeeping .
20 ‘ I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands and when I declined , he just sat there and could n't believe it .
21 I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands .
22 Noone knew what had happened cos noone expected a free kick in the first place let alone expected them to take it like that .
23 Instead of retaining exclusive control over classroom resources , Rick showed pupils where equipment , etc. was kept and expected them to help themselves to whatever they needed .
24 In fact she almost expected them to accuse her of causing the conscience-prodding dip into their pockets .
25 This is to enable everyone to advise you on the possibilities you may choose to explore .
26 Some courtiers were intelligent , some had the desire to educate themselves , but in the whole these people had little interest in politics , beyond a vapid enthusiasm for the status quo which treated them so well , and an unthinking conservatism , which led them to dismiss anyone with views to the left of their own as " Communists " .
27 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
28 His plan for Bearwood ( Fig. 21 ) , executed in 1865–74 for John Walter , chief proprietor of The Times , and included in The Gentleman 's House , is an expression of what Mark Girouard describes as the Victorian ‘ genius for analysis and definition ’ , a genius which led them to classify everything from insects through households to societies .
29 The severe psychological damage inflicted upon the captive Biros led them to tear themselves from their shackles and plunge into toilet bowls , become suicidally entangled about gear sticks or wrap themselves around handlebars .
30 So you do n't you do n't want them to move it at all ?
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