Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
2 I had to admit that , given my experiences of the evening , it remained a logical possibility that there might be some kind of entity out there skulking in some dark corner of the Cathedral , but somehow I thought not .
3 Send me photographs of the children . ’
4 I d be interested to see who else has my ideas of the best team …
5 First , there is the question of the correct model on which agents base their expectations of the outcomes of particular policy actions .
6 This second misfortune seemed to revive her memories of the earlier time when she had been carrying his child and had been given to understand that her husband had been simultaneously carrying on an affair with some young army chauffeuse .
7 Yet the time may come when the unions will have expiated their follies of the sixties and seventies , partly through the rationalisation and mergers of the past decade , partly through reforms forced on them by changes in the law during the eighties , partly by a public rediscovery that trade unions are a necessary part of a free society .
8 One can also use the sum over histories , along with the no boundary proposal , to find which properties of the universe are likely to occur together .
9 To this , the agency adds its estimates of the repeat fees for the artists involved , and its commission .
10 She could n't even hope to keep that from him , since he 'd insisted she fax him details of the takings every week .
11 It was decided to make the raid on Annan Castle the following night ; and the messenger was sent back to inform his fellow-supporters of the attempt , in strictest secrecy .
12 Nasser maintained his memories of the peasants all his life and often referred to their plight before even he came to power .
13 When Cristofori built his pianos of the 1720s , the harpsichord and the clavichord were the usual stringed keyboard instruments .
14 Forty-six years on , John Edelnand , now living in Luton , revisited Gwrych Castle and the neighbouring village of Abergele and found his memories of the local people still clear :
15 Cristofori provided his pianos of the 1720s with a proper check .
16 Professor Usher concludes his criticisms of the defence counsel 's actions with this damning comment :
17 Clearly the designer of the system with a load torque of 1 Nm would like to know what parameters of the motor and drive need to be changed so that a pull.out torque of 1 Nm is available at 500 steps per second .
18 JE : In what respects do you consider your interpretations of the roles of Ellen and Peter to have differed from more recent exponents of these roles ?
19 Could you , therefore , please send us prints of the 59 stills used in the manuscript of the Student 's Activity Book ?
20 To enter the competition , which is sponsored by FAF , send us details of the machine , plus photographs or drawings .
21 This discrepancy , however , disappears when we recognize that it is not in individual nerve impulses that we must seek our representations of the world , but in their patterns .
22 He promised us photos of the bairn because I said that was the condition for signing , and I got one and that was that .
23 Serious naturalists could sprinkle their descriptions of the internal organization of new species with references to the skill of the Creator who had designed such complex living structures .
24 Oh , right from the beginning when we talk to citizens about using their friends of the theatre I nearly fell about you know
25 The International Monetary Fund has just revised its estimates of the relative size of economies ( see page 95 ) .
26 Discrimination between individuals consists in making it easier for some than for others to realize their ideals of the good .
27 Freeman ( 1987 ) and Rothwell ( 1982 ) embed their conceptions of the technological change between waves in a broader confluence of social factors .
28 I took him to the St Petersburg library , let him show me pictures of the uniforms .
29 If the hon. Gentleman will give me details of the particular case that he has mentioned , I will certainly have it examined .
30 This information will help to identify factors which shape their perceptions of the language and cultures of the Arab world .
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