Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the mentally handicapped especially , many hostels were welcomed by relatives who , often at great cost to their freedom and independence , had struggled to keep a close relative out of a stigmatized hospital , but were prepared to see them safely cared for in a local purpose-built home .
2 After what that evil bastard did to me , you could n't possibly tell me anything about him that would make me more frightened of him than I already am . ’
3 The literature which discussed his duties and the personal qualities which he needed to perform them successfully became in the seventeenth century more copious than ever before .
4 It 's all right , honey , I do n't really talk like that , I do it to irritate Matt , though it usually does n't because he 's so thick-skinned and thinks everyone else talks like that anyway , so I guess I do it for my own private amusement .
5 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
6 The view is widespread among the senior officers we talked to , and among ordinary policemen , that policewomen , as women , have instincts and capabilities which make them better suited to specific types of police work .
7 What began as an exotic flirtation with the Other , a pop foray into a perceived Heart of Darkness , soon turned into a full-blown dance initiative in those irony-clad years of 1980–81 , with everyone from Japan to ABC to Cabaret Voltaire to Spandau Ballet to Heaven 17 conspiring to venture a white funk whose snappiness was a jeer at the indies , a white funk that would saunter easily into the charts and every other public place and , with their manifestos , make them better places to be .
8 Just hold onto the idea that certain operators will possess mathematical properties which make them perfectly suited to the role of representing physical observables .
9 We got our ration books — for us and the cattle-food as well — but I do n't think I ever worried about the possibility of Hitler invading us .
10 ‘ I do n't think I ever heard of him , ’ Agnes said .
11 I do n't think I ever talked about them to anyone . ’
12 I do n't think I often wanted to be .
13 And , of course , he always got someone else to pay for everything anyway , so it was n't any financial problem .
14 The dilemma is not even as simple as this , because under certain conditions , exactly what I need is to see someone else going through the steps , or to have my behaviour confirmed , or to hear the generality articulated .
15 I 've nicked bus stop signs , fucking road signs and stuff , I just get stupid , that 's if I get that pissed , I mean I probably talking of , talking of fucking all most not knowing you 're right name sort of pissed .
16 ‘ You mean I just thought of you and there you were ? ’
17 It does please me but the thing sometimes is , you do n't get results , I mean I just said to him at half time ‘ come on we 've got to be a bit stronger , ’ you know I thought we were playing quite well , but I thought we were letting them dominate us a little bit .
18 Look , it 's their problem in n it , I mean I just wan na get over these bloody things .
19 And , I mean I fully sympathize with the gentleman , but I feel his lawyer should explain this to him , and also I feel , why should he pay such a extortionate rate of poll tax and have to pay again for grass cut and street swept ?
20 I mean I actually voted for this contract , erm , rather reluctantly , but it seemed better than not , doing so at the time , but we were given assurances , and it was very well understood by absolutely everybody , that vigorous management would be needed in order to achieve the targetising and that was the only way that the savings were going to be made , and it does seem that , that , erm that has not been going on .
21 well for god 's sake , I mean I often wonder about people who make noise like this how they would feel if we did do the same , but I still say because we 've done our polystyrene insulation she ca n't hear us , it 's worked in the reverse ai n't it ?
22 I mean I never went through it much , but this last fortnight
23 The wine we drank had a trace of resin , as if the vineyard had merely been beside a pine-forest , and was nothing like the harsh turpentine-tasting rotgut I sometimes drank in the village .
24 Slowly lower the arms , still keeping them slightly bent at the elbows until the dumb-bells are level with the chest .
25 Like Lord Nelson ( who generally operated on wetter and bumpier pitches ) , Fender anticipated modern theories of participative management by involving his team in decisions and keeping them fully briefed on his plans .
26 While he believed that football had grown too complex to be a mere ‘ director 's hobby ’ , Chapman set out to foster harmonious relations at the very top , by acting in a spirit of co-operation with his directors , keeping them fully informed of team matters , and taking their suggestions into account .
27 He found them enormously relaxing to be with .
28 The cuckoo is what is known as a brood parasite — it lays its egg in the nest of a different , host , species of bird and then has nothing further to do with it .
29 This has nothing directly to do with the overt sex drives of American footballers , or the claim of the early Hollywood starlet Clara Bow that she once ‘ entertained ’ the whole of the University of Southern California football team in rapid succession .
30 The action has nothing specifically to do with the technical content of the programmes but relates to wider difficulties between the Council of Ministers , the Commission and the European Parliament .
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