Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And they want it open a little bit earlier because erm you know , in case anybody comes .
2 Seeing her smooth a dead mallard reminds me :
3 We will send you FREE a full colour , comprehensive guide to how Dateline works , and ALSO a free copy of ‘ All you need is Love ’ , a book full of genuine stories of how real Dateline members found their ‘ perfect partner ’ .
4 He accepted the direction of a United States public-relations expert to help him present a favourable impression of the revolution , and was described by a Department of State official as ‘ a man on his best behaviour ’ throughout the visit ( Memo for the president from Christian A. Herter , 23 April 1959 , US Declassified , 1976 , 58F ) .
5 The blow to the back of his head might lay him senseless a short while , but certainly had not broken his skull , and could not have killed him .
6 I mean if you 're going to sort of er er dr vary your driving a little bit to put in the techniques that you think should be put over , that 's good .
7 Many ailments , especially viral ones such as Fish Pox , can make themselves apparent a long time after purchase : in other words , unless you go the whole hog , like the very top Koi-keepers , quarantine is no guarantee that all will be well .
8 As Magee tugged it free a large lump of bone came away on the end of the knife .
9 If Fouga-flying 's exhilaration makes you forgetful a low fuel Bingo light warns of twelve minutes remaining .
10 As he pushed it open a powerful gust of wind swept in from outside .
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