Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has several aspects , including : ( a ) the range of options offered to the teacher is crucial in fitting the program to his style and enabling him to contribute effectively , but too many will be confusing ( b ) the designer may see a whole range of possible extensions to the teaching possibilities of the program : the lengthy development process of all good teaching units makes such extensions attractive but trying to include them in one program will tend to make it difficult to ‘ see through ’ and to use ( c ) the desire for compatibility with different hardware configurations often inspires programming constraints that can be severe ; conversely , programs that fully exploit the facilities of a particular microcomputer are likely to be difficult to transfer .
2 Do n't be grumpy or touchy now — you 'll be glad to see them after 26.2 miles and you want them to be happy to see you too .
3 Nobody came to see me for three days .
4 My father come to see me at one holiday and the Easter time he see something happen and they did n't like him and cos all my as cabin boy .
5 Only thirty people were allowed in to see me at one time .
6 Oh you want to see me in four weeks ?
7 But er you want to see me in four weeks to see about that ?
8 I 've the head of the Board of Tourism coming to see me in five minutes . ’
9 His cord trousers are still rolled down round his ankles and get in the way and we have to stop and turn him over and pull the trousers back up , fastening them by one button .
10 Tripoli postponed the elections until February ; Ajdabiyans confidently expected them on 1 February , and after that day the chairman of the local Assembly telephoned Tripoli each afternoon to ask if he should hold the poll .
11 In the boiling midday sun , the Scots could make nothing of five minutes of first-half possession and conceded tries to Pasikale ( 2 ) and Silolota , the latter converting two .
12 My own preference when using these elite units is to mass them in a body to provide the heaviest punch possible and then unleash them against one section of the enemy line with the hope that the breakthrough will start a general rout of the enemy force .
13 As they strolled deeper into the gardens she became aware that the Pantominteatret was by no means the only form of free entertainment , as their progress led them from one area of performance to another .
14 ‘ We had heard nothing for two weeks , ’ the man said nervously .
15 We 've heard nothing until two days before it starts .
16 The staff and right leg propelled me for forty yards until the leg gave way and the injured one , without a thought , took the strain and I ended up on my hands and knees ranting and raving .
17 Hermite responded with a profuse apology for the oversight , and suggested that Smith could help the Academy out of an embarrassing position by rewriting his earlier papers in French , complete with full proofs , and submitting them by I June in accordance with the competition rules .
18 In the first place , I always threatened the orchestra that if they played too loudly I would simply lower them by ten centimetres ; and if they continued , then by the end of the first act they would be in the dungeon .
19 After my return to England I was able to continue my interest in Burma 's future , for when General Aung San and his colleagues came to London for consultations with the British Government , Mr Attlee asked me to 10 Downing Street to introduce the various members to him .
20 He asked me for 50,000 francs for Félix .
21 The American expression for this position is to say that the resources of a local authority are not ‘ fungible ’ , meaning that we can not treat them as one mass .
22 According to bogus sexologist Dr John R Brinkley , goat glands held the secret to combating male impotence and over a period of twenty years he amassed a fortune of more than $12 million administering them to 16,000 men worried about their sexual inadequacies .
23 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
24 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
25 The Buddhist-managed Lakrivikirana divided them into two categories .
26 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
27 He took a group of young boys and monitored their play , divided them into three groups and showed each group one of three scenarios and then monitored them again .
28 Captain 11 times , he repaid them with 3915 runs , 12 centuries , an average of 43.98 , and an adhesiveness more commonly found in tubes of Araldite .
29 And I did return to nurse them for two years
30 So he sold them for four X.
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